[Open-education] Friday chat: 'Open Open' Days and meta communities - open education groups
jacky.hood at opendoorsgroup.org
jacky.hood at opendoorsgroup.org
Fri Oct 3 13:22:51 UTC 2014
WikiEducator is an outstanding community with vigorous interaction.
MERLOT also encourages excellent working relationships primarily through
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On 2014-10-03 4:08 am, Marieke Guy wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> At the
working group call on Monday we talked a little about communities:
Community: Marieke will be moving on to other projects later on in the
year and is keen to spread the co-ordination of the group out a little.
Javiera has offered to spend more time supporting the working group in
the new year! There followed a discussion over the challenges of
'building a Community' and overlapping communities. Quite a few related
open education communities were identified including: Open education
graduate community, UNESCo group, OER discuss, P2PU, GO-GN (Global Open
Educational Resources Gradute Network), ALT's OER SIG committee. It was
suggested that the Open Education Working Group hold a 'meta community
day' or 'open open day' and try to bring some of these communities
together. - See more at:
[2] From the minutes [3]: "There followed a discussion over the
challenges of 'building a Community' and overlapping communities. Quite
a few related open education communities were identified including: Open
education graduate community, UNESCO group, OER discuss, P2PU, GO-GN
(Global Open Educational Resources Gradute Network), ALT's OER SIG
committee. It was suggested that the Open Education Working Group hold a
'meta community day' or 'open open day' and try to bring some of these
communities together."
> Interestingly this seems to be something the
Open Science community are currently discussing - though they are
thinking more about tools.
> The 'Open Coalition [5]' is a great example of a meta
community in the open space. So the question is how can the Open
Education Working Group help facilitate a meta community for open
> Anyway it would be great to brain storm groups in this
space. We have a list of OER groups in the handbook [6] - but can we
think wider than this - so more general open education groups?
> Any
thoughts much appreciated!
> Marieke
> Community: Marieke will be
moving on to other projects later on in the year and is keen to spread
the co-ordination of the group out a little. Javiera has offered to
spend more time supporting the working group in the new year! There
followed a discussion over the challenges of 'building a Community' and
overlapping communities. Quite a few related open education communities
were identified including: Open education graduate community, UNESCo
group, OER discuss, P2PU, GO-GN (Global Open Educational Resources
Gradute Network), ALT's OER SIG committee. It was suggested that the
Open Education Working Group hold a 'meta community day' or 'open open
day' and try to bring some of these communities together. - See more at:
> --
> Marieke Guy
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Hood, Co-Director, ODG Division
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