[Open-education] Minutes from yesterday's call

Raniere Silva raniere at riseup.net
Sun Oct 5 22:04:50 UTC 2014


Thanks to reminder me of this email.

> For the translation/localization of CC legal documents and
> other formal text-based work, there has been ongoing success using
> Transifex. It's my opinion that this tool is overkill (too intensive of a
> process) for the translation of short-form text documents (which many
> CC-related resources are), and AFAIK Transifex is not suitable for the
> translation of other types of media such as those that include graphics
> (infographics, handouts) and videos.

Transifex is a nice tool to translate text but it won't work for graphics and
videos (although it work to translate subtitles).

> FWIW, I see a great deal of potential in using Git
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)> (specifically on Github) and
> Markdown <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#philosophy> for
> document translation and version control.

The problem with Git is the technical barrier. You may lost many contributors
using it.

> IMHO, the simpler the tool and workflow the better. The last thing we should
> do is expect potential multilingual contributors to significantly increase
> their own technical skills to be able to assist with translations.

Agree. And for that reason I suggest that you avoid Git.

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