[Open-education] OER Schools Guidance and Resources

Matt McGregor matt at creativecommons.org.nz
Tue Oct 28 20:52:15 UTC 2014

Hi Josie, all

What great news! Congratulations. We're definitely going to reuse some of
these resources for a similar project in New Zealand.

All the best,

On 29 October 2014 03:19, Josie Fraser <josie at josiefraser.com> wrote:

> Leicester City Council has released four guidance documents and a range of
> practical information to support school staff in understanding, finding,
> creating, and sharing Open Educational Resources (OER) today.
> The OER Schools resource packs can be downloaded from
> http://schools.leicester.gov.uk/openeducation
> The Leicester City Council OER Schools project provides information to
> school staff about open licencing, and in particular, Creative Commons.
> Leicester City Council has also given permission to the 84 community and
> voluntary controlled schools across the city to create and share Open
> Educational Resources (OER), by releasing the learning materials they
> create under an open licence. This permission makes sharing resources
> simpler for everyone, and provides additional opportunities for schools and
> school staff. Leicester City Council is the first local authority in the UK
> to provide its school employees with permission to openly license their
> resources.
> The OER Schools project resources include:
> School permission & policy documents:  This pack includes notification of
> permission from Leicester City Council to city community and voluntary
> controlled schools, explanatory briefing notes relating to this permission,
> and model school policies for schools where the LEA is the employer, and
> for schools where the governing body (or equivalent) is the employer.
> Guidance documents: Four documents which introduce OER and open education;
> look at copyright and Creative Commons licences; support staff in finding,
> attributing and remixing OER; and cover creating and sharing OER.
> Supporting Documents:  Six supporting documents designed to help staff in
> delivering OER workshops; provide walkthroughs for finding, using and
> attributing CC Licensed materials; and include an extensive list of
> annotated resources and related materials.
> Additional materials:  A pack of existing openly licensed resources that
> are either referenced in the guidance or in activities in the supporting
> documents, provided on a standalone basis to make life easier for school
> staff.
> All of the materials build upon existing openly licensed works and are
> themselves released under a CC-BY licence. They are provided in editable
> document formats as well as PDF.
> Please do review, and help us spread the word!
> Best, Josie
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Matt McGregor
Public Lead
Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand
027 337 8668
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