[Open-education] Friday Chat: Personal experiences of MOOCs

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Mon Sep 15 09:30:40 UTC 2014

We think about people's experiences of MOOCs at lot at P2PU.
One of the things our research and experiences has found (and we've run 4
non-MOOC type mass courses so far) is that having a peer group to learn
with is essential. Otherwise, MOOC models tend to just mirror the
one-to-many model of traditional higher education. Also, we tend to have
higher completion rates in P2PU MOOCs and we're pretty sure that's due to
the peer-to-peer nature of our model.

We talk about this in a couple of reports we've written, if anyone is
interested - this one <http://reports.p2pu.org/mooc-maker/> is a reflection
on how we built a Mechanical MOOC, which focuses on community rather than
fancy platforms or complex materials.

The other report <http://reports.p2pu.org/play-with-your-music/> is about
an online music MOOC that we worked on with NYU.  In this one, we spent a
lot of time thinking about how to group people, and build cohorts which
could work their way through the materials.

Hope these are interesting - it's a fascinating topic....


On 13 September 2014 05:24, Silvia Da Rosa <tayzee at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Marieke,
> I am Silvia, from Uruguay. I am taking this course too. It's really awsome!
> I have finished succesfully only one MOOC but started other 3. Of course I
> think the main reasons for not finishing rhem was time and real interest,
> but i think there were other important factors like the quality of the
> resources, the ease of use of the platform and the resources, the clarity
> of the syllabus, the possibility of having resources in more than one
> language.
> I have never really connected to the community, so I expect that´s
> something new to this course.
> Kind regards,
> Silvia
> El 12/09/2014, a las 06:10, Marieke Guy <marieke.guy at okfn.org> escribió:
> So sort of a Friday chat thing...
> I started Stanford's Open Knowledge MOOC last week (bit of an intro to it
> from me here
> <https://remoteworker.wordpress.com/2014/09/02/stanfords-open-knowledge-mooc/>).
> Anyone else doing it? I'm hoping some interesting questions come out of it
> providing I can apply myself to do the course. [For example I learned
> yesterday that more people own a mobile device than a toothbrush -
> important stuff!!] It's my second MOOC and I completed my first one (
> ioe2012 <https://remoteworker.wordpress.com/category/ioe12/>), but I had
> more spare time then...
> Anyway, I was interested in people's personal experiences of MOOCs. Do we
> practice what we preach? Or are MOOCs just something we deliver for other
> people? How do you use MOOCs to support what you do? Have people had
> positive experiences connecting with communities in MOOCs? What about
> hybrid approaches - has anyone participated in a MOOC and at the same time
> been involved in a physical community supporting it? Are there people
> delivering MOOCs who fundamentally disagree with them as a form of open
> education?
> Also if you have a topic for discussion remember to shout it out or add
> it to the etherpad
> <https://pad.okfn.org/p/Open_Education_Working_Friday_Chats>.
> Marieke
> ---
> Marieke Guy
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