[Open-education] open educational resources and economic development

Centar za lokalni inicijativi Bitola clibitola at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 07:44:11 UTC 2015

Dear all

I am Elena Stojanovska <https://mk.linkedin.com/in/elenastojanovska> from
R. Macedonia, Vice President of the NGO Center for Local Initiatives (CLI)
<http://clibt.blogspot.com/> and coordinator for project development and
writing. I have recently joined the OEWG, happy to have the chance to be
part of this community and I am keen to take more active role.

I have worked 5 years in the non profit sector on support and development
of entrepreneurship in Business Incubator Bitola. Also I've been part of
the first MOOC created in Macedonia
on this topic which soon will be posted on Coursera platform as support
material of the course: Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in
Transitioning Economies.

Currently in CLI starting from the beginning of this year we work on
promotion of OER, more about this in my blog post on OEWG.
<http://education.okfn.org/open-education-macedonia/> So we are open for
collaboration for any ideas you might have for joint projects. In this
regard one topic that I would like kindly to ask you if you want to share
your thoughts: *how the usage of OER is contributing to economic and
business development in one country?* For example in the case of Macedonia,
we have high unemployment rate and not so much developed entrepreneurial
spirit among young population. Considering my background in
entrepreneurship, I think that the usage of OER will increase the access to
quality education to many students, which I hope it will eventually lead in
future to further entrepreneurship and economic development of the

Looking forward to future cooperation.
Thank you,
Kind regards
*Elena Stojanovska*

*Vice President and Coordinator for project development and writing Center
for Local Initiatives Bitola, R. Macedoniaskype:
elenastojanovskabtmail: clibitola at gmail.com <clibitola at gmail.com>fb fan
page: https://www.facebook.com/clibitola
<https://www.facebook.com/clibitola>web: http://clibt.blogspot.com
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