[Open-education] Future of the Open Education Working Group - was Re: open educational resources and economic development

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Tue Aug 4 08:36:19 UTC 2015

Hi Elena (and everyone),

It's great to have you in the working group! We are hoping that Elena 
will take a more active role in the future.

If anyone does have any thoughts on the future of the Open Education 
Working Group now might be a good time to say. The group has been 
running for almost 2 years now but we feel that it needs to be more 
embedded into current initiatives or projects to ensure its survival. 
This is your group and it needs *you* to be current, relevant and useful!

So maybe a couple of questions for your consideration:

  * What could the group do that it isn't already doing to support Open
    Education around the world?
  * Are there projects or initiatives that could benefit from the
    support of an already existing community and infrastructure? If so
    can you pass on details so we can contact them
  * What makes a community work? Are there lessons we can learn?



On 04/08/2015 08:44, Centar za lokalni inicijativi Bitola wrote:
> Dear all
> I am Elena Stojanovska <https://mk.linkedin.com/in/elenastojanovska> 
> from R. Macedonia, Vice President of the NGO Center for Local 
> Initiatives (CLI) <http://clibt.blogspot.com/> and coordinator for 
> project development and writing. I have recently joined the OEWG, 
> happy to have the chance to be part of this community and I am keen to 
> take more active role.
> I have worked 5 years in the non profit sector on support and 
> development of entrepreneurship in Business Incubator Bitola. Also 
> I've been part of the first MOOC created in Macedonia 
> <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0JI8OUspNBLCXVYwVnKV_SndXVUsqsA> 
> on this topic which soon will be posted on Coursera platform as 
> support material of the course: Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing 
> Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies. 
> <https://www.coursera.org/learn/entrepreneurship-development>
> Currently in CLI starting from the beginning of this year we work on 
> promotion of OER, more about this in my blog post on OEWG. 
> <http://education.okfn.org/open-education-macedonia/> So we are open 
> for collaboration for any ideas you might have for joint projects. In 
> this regard one topic that I would like kindly to ask you if you want 
> to share your thoughts: */how the usage of OER is contributing to 
> economic and business development in one country?/* For example in the 
> case of Macedonia, we have high unemployment rate and not so much 
> developed entrepreneurial spirit among young population. Considering 
> my background in entrepreneurship, I think that the usage of OER will 
> increase the access to quality education to many students, which I 
> hope it will eventually lead in future to further entrepreneurship and 
> economic development of the country.
> Looking forward to future cooperation.
> Thank you,
> Kind regards
> /Elena Stojanovska//
> Vice President and Coordinator for project development and writing
> Center for Local Initiatives Bitola, R. Macedonia
> skype: elenastojanovskabt
> mail: clibitola at gmail.com <mailto:clibitola at gmail.com>
> fb fan page: https://www.facebook.com/clibitola
> web: http://clibt.blogspot.com <http://clibt.blogspot.com/>
> /
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Marieke Guy
Project Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | 
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