[Open-education] Using data in the classroom

Terry Loane terryloane at aol.com
Tue Aug 11 19:52:53 UTC 2015

Thanks for the links, Marieke. The blog article is great and the Tuva 
tool appears to be very good (although I have not really had the 
opportunity to play with it).

I sometimes worry that there is too much data in the world (because this 
makes us fall into the error of thinking that all the world's problems 
require numerical data to understand or solve them). But, as it says in 
the blog article, it is essential for democracy that people can 
understand data and statistics. People might, for example, be more 
inclined to question government priorities if they understood that the 
data shows that we are more likely die by being stung by an insect or by 
drowning in the bath than from an act of terrorism.

Best wishes

Terry Loane

On 11/08/2015 19:22, Marieke Guy wrote:
> Great post on Edublogs about using data in the classroom:
> http://digitaldollar.edublogs.org/2015/08/02/tuva-shows-students-that-data-is-cool/
> They are using the Tuva tool to do it:
> https://tuvalabs.com/
> Marieke
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