[Open-education] Open Textbook Cover Design as Donation

Cable Green cable at creativecommons.org
Thu Dec 31 21:35:12 UTC 2015

Greetings Open Education Friends:

Happy New Year!

Introducing you here to Veethika Mishra.

Veethika contacted me asking if she can donate her time and expertise
designing covers for open textbooks. What a kind offer to kick off 2016 ;)

She writes:

   - I am a visual/play experience designer based out of India. I take
   pleasure in doing quirky illustrations for games. Some of my works are up
   on the following link: www.behance.net/veethika / @veethikaa
   - As a kid, I myself have always judged my textbooks by their covers. I
   want the readers of open textbooks to have the same pleasure. In my present
   setup, I could afford to spare sometime to design about 3-5 covers, so I
   thought it would be best to contact the book providers through CC itself.

Please contact Veethika if you need a design for your open textbook:
veethika2209 at gmail.com

Thank you,



Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons
@cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
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