[Open-education] EC-TEL 2015 -- Call for Papers
pedmume at it.uc3m.es
Thu Feb 26 15:02:07 UTC 2015
[Apologies for crossposting]
*** Call for Papers EC-TEL 2015 ***
The 10th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning
15-18 September 2015, Toledo, Spain
http://www.ec-tel.eu <http://www.ec-tel.eu/>
Call for Papers
The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a
unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, educational developers,
and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field.
Through EC-TEL, established and emerging researchers as well as
practitioners, entrepreneurs, and technology developers explore new
collaborations, strengthen networks, and complement their core expertise.
Developments in information and communication technology, for example new
communication patterns like in social applications, mobile devices and
ubiquitous network access, together with social and economical changes lead
to a networked world. The increasing networking in different scales from
global to local is having a profound effect on learning and teaching. It
makes new forms of collaborative and personalized learning experiences
reality. Learners shift between formal, non-formal and informal learning.
They come together in different social settings and communities. Teachers
roles are also subject to change.
There is a pressing need to shape learning arrangements in such a way that
they exploit the potentials and meet the requirements of a networked world.
To address these challenges the theme of EC-TEL 2015 is Design for Teaching
and Learning in a Networked World.
Important Dates
*Papers, Short Papers, Posters & Demonstrations:*
- 16 March 2015 - Mandatory submission of an abstract
- 25 March 2015 - Submission of full version
- 27 May 2015 - Notification of acceptance
- 21 June 2015 - Camera-ready versions
Workshop Proposals:
- 25 March 2015 - Submission of workshop proposal (Abstract not needed)
- 30 April 2015 - Workshop notification
- 15 and 18 September - Workshops
Project Meetings
- 19 June 2015 - Room reservation for project meetings
- 14, 15 and 18 September 2015 - Project Meetings
- 24 July 2015 - Early-bird registration ends
- 16-17 September 2015 - Main conference
Doctoral Consortium:
- 23 May 2015 - Doctoral Consortium application submission
- 20 June 2015 - Doctoral Consortium application notification
- 30 July 2015 - Doctoral Consortium reviews
- 29 August 2015 - Doctoral Consortium camera-ready versions
- 15 September 2015 - Doctoral Consortium
Conference Topics
>From both research and innovative practice perspectives the following
topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:
*Technological underpinning*
- Large-scale sharing and interoperability
- Personalization, user modelling and adaptation
- Learning analytics
- Context-aware systems
- Recommender systems for TEL
- Adapted learning flow, content and monitoring process
- Serious games and 3D virtual worlds
- Augmented reality
- Social computing and social media
- Semantic Web
- Natural language processing and latent semantic analysis
- Mobile technologies (tablets & smartphones)
- Network infrastructures and architectures for TEL
- Sensors and sensor networks
- Roomware, ambient displays and wearable devices
- Cloud Computing in TEL
- eLearning specifications and standards
- Interoperability of devices, tools and architectures
*Pedagogical underpinning*
- Problem- and project-based learning / Inquiry based learning
- Computer-supported collaborative learning
- Collaborative knowledge building
- Game-based and simulation-based learning
- Story-telling and reflection-based learning
- Learning design and design approaches
- Communities of learners and communities of practice
- Teaching techniques and strategies for online learning
- Learner motivation and engagement
- Evaluation methods for TEL
*Individual, social & organizational learning processes*
- Cognitive mechanisms in knowledge acquisition and construction
- Self-regulated and self-directed learning
- Reflective learning
- Social processes in teams and communities
- Learning group formation
- Social awareness
- Trust and reputation in TEL
- Knowledge management and organizational learning
*Learning communities and contexts*
- Schools and universitues of the future
- Applications of TEL in various domains
- Formal education: initial (K-12, higher education), post-initial
(continuing education)
- Workplace learning
- Global learning communities
- Lifelong learning
- Vocational training
- Informal learning
- Non-formal learning
- Ubiquitous learning
- Seamless learning
*Open Learning Arrangements *
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- Open educational resources (OER)
- Learning Networks
- Teacher Networks
- Bring your own Device (BYOD)
- Orchestration of learning activities
- Learning ecologies, learning ecosystems, fitness and evolvability of
learning environments
- Business models for TEL
*TEL in developing countries and for users with special needs*
- ICT Inclusion for learning
- Digital divide and learning
- Generation divide and learning
- Education policies
- Promoting learning and employability within disadvantaged groups and
- Rural learning
- Accessible learning for all
- Visual, hearing and physical impairments
- Psycho-pedagogic support for users
- Standards about accessibility and learning
Submission Formats
Submissions will be handled through EasyChair (
<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ectel2015>. All papers will be
reviewed through a non-blind review process. Accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. "As every year, we will publish
proceedings within Springer “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS)
Series <http://www.springer.com/lncs> which is ranked in the ISI Web of
Knowledge. The use of supplied template is mandatory:
- Full Papers: max. 14 pages, published in proceedings
- Short Papers: max. 6 pages, published in proceeding
- Demonstration Papers: max. 4 pages (published in proceedings) plus
max. 2 additionals pages describing the demo (not published in proceedings)
- Poster Papers: max. 4 pages (published in proceedings)
- Workshop proposals: max. 4 pages, not published in proceedings.
The EC-TEL Demonstration session is your chance to fully engage EC-TEL
attendees at a personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, or hear
your visions for the future of TEL, or demonstrate highly interactive ‘TEL
in Action’ (e.g. through videos, implemented tools, or real-time learning
experiences). We expect that your Demonstration will be a reliably running
prototype of your vision that is ready to be tried out, questioned and
interacted with.
You need to submit a concise scientific description of your research
prototype, clearly showing how your technological innovation realises a
clear learning innovation. This needs to be in a paper that is a maximum 4
pages long including references that will be published in the EC-TEL 2015
proceedings if accepted. In addition describe on maximum 2 pages how your
prototype presented at the conference booth will look like.
At the conference, all accepted demonstrations will be invited to
participate in the EC-TEL 2015 Demo-Shootout session. The participants of
the EC-TEL Demo-Shootout session will vote for the best EC-TEL prototype in
this session and the winner will be awarded.
In particular, we encourage Demonstration submissions that complement an
EC-TEL Paper submission, so that attendees can get a direct experience of
your work in addition to the scientific presentation.
Posters report on significant work in progress. We are planning a poster
session in which you can present your work and elicit feedback from EC-TEL
participants. Please submit a paper up to a maximum of 4 pages long
including references describing your work and the results that you plan to
achieve until September 2015. It will be published in the EC-TEL 2015
proceedings if accepted.
EC-TEL 2015 offers the opportunity to host several workshops. Workshop
organizers interested to coordinate a workshop are requested to submit a
proposal of maximum 4 pages. A proposal shall include 1) the theme of the
workshop, 2) workshop format, 3) expected participants, 4) domains
addressed, 5) dissemination activities, 6) workshop organizing committee,
7) plans for publishing workshop papers, and 8) organizational
requirements. 8) Please also include whether your workshop is planned as
full-day or half-day workshop and what day you prefer for the workshop (a
day or half day on 15 Sept or 18 Sept (There is no guarantee that we can
arrange your preference due to space restrictions.)). 9) Please also
outline the workshop timeline, especially, submission date, which should be
around mid of June, and notification date, mid of July (not later than 15
July 2015), since the early-bird registration for participants of EC-TEL
ends 24 July 2015. We plan to add this timeline as information about the
workshops on the EC-TEL Website, together with links to the workshops
individual websites. Note that we expect the accepted workshop websites to
be online by 8 May 2015. Workshop proposals should be submitted via the
EasyChair system of EC-TEL due to 25 March 2015.
Workshop organizers are encouraged to propose innovative and interactive
formats, which will be given priority in the selection process. The
workshop selection will be handled competitively: proposals will be ranked
according to their fit with EC-TEL’s topics, innovativeness, extent of
interaction, overall quality, and comprehensiveness of planning.
Identification of workshop participants, solicitation of workshop
contributions and publication of workshop outcomes will be handled by the
workshop organizers themselves. In publishing the workshop contributions,
workshop organizers are encouraged to target high-quality publication
outlets (international impact-rated journals, including special issues in
In addition to the regular sessions and workshops, EC-TEL offers a unique
opportunity for European Projects in TEL to hold face-to-face meetings.
Please contact the local organization chair at your earliest convenience to
book meeting rooms.
The EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium brings together Ph.D. students working on
topics related to Technology Enhanced Learning providing them an
exceptional opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their
research in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere. Prominent
professors and researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning
will provide formative feedback to the selected papers through the review
process and contribute actively to discussions at the workshop. The
Doctoral Consortium will take place immediately before the EC-TEL 2015
The intention of this doctoral consortium is to support and inspire Ph.D.
students during their ongoing research efforts. Therefore, it is necessary
that authors will have neither achieved their Ph.D. degree nor officially
submitted their thesis before the doctoral consortium (September 2015). To
enforce this rule we require authors to disclose their expected graduation
date and their advisor's name when submitting.
Information about
- Doctoral Consortium Eligibility,
- Application Process, Submission and Review
- Dates
can be found at the Doctoral Consortium section
Conference Organization
*General Chair:*
Christoph Rensing, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
*Programme Chairs:*
Grainne Conole, University Leicester, UK
Tomaž Klobucar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
*Workshop Chair:*
Isa Jahnke, Umeå University, Sweden
*Poster and Demonstration Chairs:*
Élise Lavoué, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
Johannes Konert, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
*Doctoral Consortium Chairs:*
Katherine Maillet, Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom Ecole de Management,
Ulrike Lucke, Universität Potsdam, Germany
*Dissemination Chairs:*
Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
*Industry Chairs:*
Carmen Padron, Atos, Spain
Michael Amigot, IBL Studios, US
*Local Organization Chair:*
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
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