[Open-education] OER in Civic Education / Citizenship Competencies
Alicja Pacewicz
alicja.pacewicz at ceo.org.pl
Wed Feb 18 12:26:46 UTC 2015
We have plenty of examples, but not enough time to promote them.
*Alicja Pacewicz*
*Wiceprezeska Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej*
*Vice President of Center for Citizenship Education*
*ul. Noakowskiego 10/5, **00-666 Warszawa/Warsaw*
*+48 228250181 w.115*
www.ceo.org.pl <http://ceo.org.pl>
Szkoła z Klasą 2.0 <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/szkolazklasa2zero> | Filmoteka
Szkolna. Akcja! <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/filmotekaszkolna> | Młodzi
Przedsiębiorczy <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/przedsiebiorczy> | Włącz się.
Młodzi i Media <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/media> | WF z Klasą
<http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/wf> | KOSS <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/koss> | Koduj
z Klasą <http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/koduj> | Nauczyciel/ka I Klasa
<http://www.ceo.org.pl/pl/1klasa> | Nienawiść.Jestem przeciw
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2015-02-18 4:30 GMT+01:00 Werner Westermann <wernerwestermannj at gmail.com>:
> Dear all, best regards from Santiago, Chile.
> I am working on a discussion paper to think about Civic Education /
> Citizenship Competencies development in our societies, marked and changed
> by the digital sphere. For shure, openness/open licencing will be a key
> component, as it blends perfect with participatory and collaborative
> practices to promote these competencies. But I haven't met yet OERs, OEPs
> nor initiatives that explicit openess/open licencing as a key component.
> So related to Civic Education / Citizenship Competencies:
> - any OER or OEP to highlight?
> - any innovative learning digital technology practice to promote?
> - any programs being deployed to feature?
> Any thoughts about open education/openness and its role within civic and
> citizenship will be most welcomed!! Best wishes,
> Werner Westermann
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