[Open-education] Plans for Open Education Week #openeducationwk

Josie Fraser josie at josiefraser.com
Wed Feb 25 15:26:02 UTC 2015

I'm up to a couple of things for #openeducationwk this year. On the 11th I'll be delivering an OER Schools Workshop to 100 primary schools staff from three schools - taking a whole school staff approach to embedding open practice. I'm offering workshops to other schools across the city so hopefully this will be the first of many!  We ran a really successful citywide OER Schools conference on the 29th of January, building on the schools guidance and the permission Leicester City Council has given to it's school employees to openly licence their work. I've rounded up as many of the outputs (videos, documents, info) from the day as possible, and these can be found here: http://www.digilitleic.com/?page_id=700  On the 12th I'll be leading a practice focused session on copyright and OER at Coventry University's Open Education Event: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/disruptive-media-learning-expo-tickets-15663648394 - Cristobal Cobo is keynoting. Hopefully I'll be delivering more than the one insight the programme has me down for ;)   Best, Josie        From: Marieke Guy <marieke.guy at okfn.org>
 To: "open-education at lists.okfn.org" <open-education at lists.okfn.org> 
 Sent: Wednesday, 25 February 2015, 9:01
 Subject: [Open-education] Plans for Open Education Week #openeducationwk
  Hi Everyone,
 It's been soooo quiet on the list!! What have you all been up to??!
 I've been pretty busy working on new projects (on Open Access and OpenGLAM) but hope to be doing more Open Education work soon. Oh and I did attend Open Data Camp UK last week - which was great - here's my blog post about open data and community engagement.
 The week after next is Open Education Week and it would be great to hear people's plans.
 Has anyone got any events lined up - would anyone like to try something new? Is anyone working on anything they'd like to share? The blog and the list is here to support you.
 Be great to hear from people - even just to check you're all still there!!
 Marieke Guy
 Project Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy
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