[Open-education] OER World Map Announces Launch of Version 0.2

Jan Neumann jlh.neumann at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 13 12:24:45 UTC 2015

Dear members of the open-education list,

I'm very happy to announce that we launched version 0.2 of the OER World Map last Friday [1]! Thanks very much to all who supported the project in the last months - it was a great experience to receive help and feedback from all over the world!

The most important innovation is that we now have a map that can be browsed and explored more meaningfully than the one on our initial landing page. We have included only a small set of data so far, additional data will be added in the next weeks with every new story. Interesting things to look at are the country views [2] and the service descriptions [3], which will be more elaborated in the near future.

Additionally, I would like to inform you that we have significantly expanded our collection strategy. Originally we aimed at collecting only data related to services which provide truly open materials (= cc by, cc by-sa, cc by-nc?). Since the "gratis" services of today might become the "open"-services of tomorrow we now believe that a more open approach will be appropriate. To avoid "open washing" and to keep the focus on open licensing we plan to develop an openness indicator [4] which will visualize a service's or project's level of openness. More information on this topic can be found on our FAQ page [5].

The next major release of the platform, which will include input templates, is planned for September. We are still looking for stories [6], so if you would like to see your OER activity on the Map, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are looking forward to an exiting second half of the project – hopefully with you contribution!

All the best

Jan Neumann & the OER World Map Team

[1] https://oerworldmap.org/
[2] e.g.: https://oerworldmap.org/country/gb
[3] e.g.: https://oerworldmap.org/resource/urn:uuid:fbbd8618-15d8-11e5-8850-2bd783bbdf05
[4] https://github.com/hbz/oerworldmap/issues/237
[5] https://oerworldmap.org/FAQ
[6] https://oerworldmap.wordpress.com/2015/04/14/call-for-oer-stories/
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