[Open-education] Adult Education and Open Educational Resources - new report for the European Parliament
Paul Bacsich Sero
paul.bacsich at sero.co.uk
Wed Oct 21 13:52:58 UTC 2015
“ Adult Education and Open Educational Resources” is a 140-page “Study” released by the European Parliament research office on 15 October.
It reviews the current use of Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe (with a focus on Member States of the European Union), assesses its potential and makes recommendations for policy interventions, taking account of the European Commission’s policy frameworks and those developed by the European Parliament and relevant European agencies. The majority of the research was carried out in the first five months of 2015.
The Study incorporates an Annex (starting on p. 77) including new research on over 12 Member States (with a focus on UK, France, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, Latvia, Germany and Romania), leveraging on a synthesis of existing research from a range of projects including POERUP (Policies for OER Uptake) and a 2014-15 study on Shared OER for the Joint Research Centre, augmented by more recent OER-related studies from Sero and others for the Joint Research Centre, Erasmus+ and the Lifelong Learning Programme.
It includes a Glossary (of over 80 items) and comprehensive bibliography (with over 410 entries) of papers and reports consulted.
The Executive Summary (pp. 7-9) gives a description of the report, the findings and a set of recommended policy interventions for the European Union and nearby countries.
The Study is available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2015)563397
The report was written by Sero with a team of advisors and country experts. Many others assisted the team in several ways – these are listed on p. 47. I was responsible for the main report and Giles Pepler was overall Editor for the Annex.
In a blog posting for the Open Education Working Group I shall summarise the recommendations and policy interventions. I hope also to encourage the country report authors/advisors to use this opportunity to provide an updated view of Open Education in their countries from the standpoint of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning.
Paul Bacsich
Coordinator, Open Education Working Group - http://education.okfn.org/blog/
Senior Consultant, Sero - http://www.serohe.co.uk/
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