[Open-education] Open Education Global Conference 2016: Call for Proposals: Deadline 16 November

Igor Lesko igorlesko at oeconsortium.org
Wed Oct 21 20:58:41 UTC 2015

Dear All,

The Open Education Consortium <http://www.oeconsortium.org/> and the AGH
University of Science and Technology <http://www.agh.edu.pl/>, organizers
of the Open Education Global Conference 2016, invite proposals for
conference sessions to take place in Kraków, Poland April 12-14.

The theme of the Open Education Global Conference 2016 is *Convergence
Through Collaboration*.

The conference will feature five tracks with *Convergence through
Collaboration* as the cross-cutting theme:

   - *Integration of Open Practices:* Explores the ways that open
   educational practices are meeting the needs of 21st century education,
   including formal and informal sectors. Sessions could include innovative
   approaches to openness in teaching and learning, continuous improvement
   using open education, degrees built on OER, etc.
   - *Collaboration:* Highlights the ways that collaboration enhances
   efforts in openness. Topics could provide examples of collaborations
   between institutions and organizations that amplified outcomes, or plans
   for a collaborative, open future. Proposals discussing synergies and
   collaborations between and across open access, open source software, open
   data, open government, open education and other movements are encouraged.
   - *Open Education as Strategy:* Focuses on the ways that open practices
   contribute to solving greater problems in education. Sessions may examine
   ways that institutions use openness to make educational delivery more
   efficient, relevant and affordable; open education as a strategy to solve
   social needs, such as inequality, workforce development and lifelong
   learning; or how openness supports institutional mission and outreach.
   - *Research to Advance Open Education:* This track will include research
   on all aspects of open education, including usage, effectiveness, policy,
   learning outcomes, data management and analysis, surveys and impact studies.
   - *Open Education Initiatives in Europe:* Each year at the Global
   Conference, we devote time to showcasing local and regional initiatives in
   open education. This year, we invite presentations that focus on European
   open education efforts, including emerging practices, project showcases,
   EU-funded programs, and national and regional initiatives.

For more information about the conference and instructions on how to submit
a proposal, please visit:

Deadline for submissions: 16 November 2015.

We look forward to welcoming you in Kraków, Poland.

*Open Education Global Conference 2016 Planning Team*
Email: conference at oeconsortium.org
Website: http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2016/
Twitter: #oeglobal

Igor Lesko
Operations Manager & Open Education Specialist
Open Education Consortium
Cell:+27(0)72 6130478 (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

Open Education Global Conference 2016
12-14 April 2016 in Kraków, Poland
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