[Open-education] TEFA 2016 - Submission deadline extended - 11th July

marenzi marenzi at l3s.de
Sun Jul 3 10:19:08 UTC 2016

                 TEFA Workshop at EC-TEL
             Submission deadline EXTENDED

             June 30th   -> *11th July*, 2016


3rd Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) 2016
                           to be held in the context of
the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2016
*  September 16th*, 2016, Lyon,France

Today, learning often occurs collaboratively in learner networks; formal
learning is combined with informal learning; and learners use, for example,
personalised and personal learning environments adapted to their needs and
preferences. While in a general sense any assessment can be used for
formative or summative purposes, more genuinely formative assessment 
needs to  provide:
(a) rich, detailed information about learning (feedback),
(b) information that offers guidance on how to improve learning, and
(c) opportunities to actively construct an understanding about how to
learning, and negotiate a successful outcome amongst the key stakeholders.

Workshop Goals

The goal of the workshop is to develop the notion of technology-enhanced
formative assessment (TEFA) as a component for extending existing or new
TEL approaches, further combining expertise from pedagogy, educational
measurement, cognitive science, and information technology. A trend from
dedicated to integrated and from sporadic to continuous formative
assessment is envisioned.
Challenging research questions will be addressed such as:
- How are established forms of formative assessment changing with the
    inclusion of technology and what new forms of formative assessment  
become possible?
- How is this reflected in new approaches to educational measurement?
- How can we build, maintain, communicate and negotiate learner models
so that they maximize the value of formative assessment for learning?
- What is required to empower the users (students, peers, teachers,
parents, employers, workers) to make best use of TEFA in order to guide 
- How can integrated and continuous formative assessment be supported
    by an ICT infrastructure?
- How can information technology help to innovate the ways in which
    TEFA methods are developed?

Workshop Topics

The following topics are proposed, but the submissions need not be
limited to these:
      * mobile assessment and feedback technologies
      * integrated e-assessment, embedded assessment
      * location-based/context aware educational feedback
      * (automated) item design and generation
      * automated analysis of open answers
      * alignment of formative and summative feedback
      * peer-assessment
      * learning analytics and assessment
      * formative assessment of 21st Century skills
      * standard-conform e-assessment, flexible e-assessment, 
interoperable e-assessment
      * assessment in immersive education, assessment in Serious Games,  
in 3D worlds.....
      * e-assessment in complex learning - i.e. collaborative learning,  
serious games, digital stories, discussion forums
      * assessment Rubrics
      * semantic Web Technologies to support learning assessment
      * TEL infrastructures for the development and deployment of  
formative assessment
      * evaluation of formative assessment and open learner models
      * innovative interaction formats of tests and items including  
specific technologies such as VR, AR, 3D worlds etc.


This workshop invites papers (max 6 pages in Springer Format) that deal with
approaches and innovative assessment technologies, which support the
transition from current assessment scenarios towards the themes listed  
Each submission will be commented by three reviewers.

Submissions should use the Springer LNCS template
Please submit your paper from the Workshop website:
or directly via EasyChair: 

All publications will be published as CEUR Workshop proceedings.
Selected contributions will be developed in a special issue of an open
access journal
(for example, International Journal of E-Assessment, IJEA) or IxDA.


Important Dates in 2016

      * Submissions deadline:          June 30th   -> 11th July, 2016 
      * Notification of acceptance:    July 11th   -> 18th July, 2016 
      * Camera-Ready Version:          July 30th, 2016
      * Workshop date:                 September 16th, 2016


Dr. Eric Ras (first contact), Luxembourg Institute of Science and
Technology (LIST), LUXEMBOURG, eric.ras at list.lu <mailto:eric.ras at list.lu>

Muriel Foulonneau, Luxembourg Institute of Science and
Technology (LIST), LUXEMBOUR, muriel.foulonneau at list.lu

Dr.Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, bnunes at inf.puc-rio.br 
<mailto:bnunes at inf.puc-rio.br>

Dr. Ivana Marenzi, Leibniz Universität Hannover, L3S Research Center,
Hannover, GERMANY, marenzi at l3s.de <mailto:marenzi at l3s.de>

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