[Open-education] CC OER themed #backtoschool week: 12-16 September

Fabio Nascimbeni fabio.nascimbeni at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 12:51:56 UTC 2016

Dear Cable, dear all

this is the link <http://rd.unir.net/pub/oef> to the Open Educators Factory platform, aiming to build openness capacity among university professors by offering a self assessment tool plus some recommendations to improve their fluency in OER, open design, open pedagogy and open assessment. The platform can also be accessed by university managers that are able to see hoe the respondents from their institution are “performing” in terms of openness, recognizing who are the most advanced open educators in their environment.

The platform, available in English. French and Spanish, is open to both individual users and to universities that might want to join the exercise.


PS: I take the occasion to re-announce the Webinar "Overselling Open" by Jim Groom, which will take place next Tuesday 13th of September h 17.00 CET. During the webinar, that will be the third Open Education Tuesday organized by the Telefonica Chair at UNIR, Jim Groom will discuss how increasingly Open Education as a movement is defined as an end in itself, often defined by increased "market penetration" of Open Educational Resources, exploring the conflation of Open Education as an ethos with OER as a political/economic movement that obfuscates deeper funding issues in higher education. To register to the webinar go to http://masterclass.unir.net/openclass/educacion/educacion-abierta-con-jim-groom-overselling-openness.html <http://masterclass.unir.net/openclass/educacion/educacion-abierta-con-jim-groom-overselling-openness.html>.

> Il giorno 08 set 2016, alle ore 23:18, Cable Green <cable at creativecommons.org> ha scritto:
> Greetings Open Education Friends:
> Next week, CC will be posting a series of #backtoschool, OER themed blog posts, newsletter, and social media.
> Will you please send Jennie and me links to your current / active open education initiatives, events, projects, tips, etc?
> We want to highlight your good work in our newsletter, social media, and a special OER themed "Keeping up with the Commons."
> My sincere thanks,
> Cable
> -- 
> Cable Green, PhD
> Director of Open Education
> Creative Commons
> @cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
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Fabio Nascimbeni
Email: fabio.nascimbeni at gmail.com <mailto:fabio.nascimbeni at gmail.com>
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/fabionascimbeni/ <http://linkedin.com/in/fabionascimbeni/>

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