[Open-education] OER Digest - April 6th, 2017
OER Digest
oerdigest at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 20:02:03 UTC 2017
>From Brady Yano | Volume 28 | April 6th, 2017
Your bi-weekly newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and
THAT’S A WRAP, #OPENEDUCATIONWK: Last week the world celebrated the 5th
annual Open Education Week <https://www.openeducationweek.org/>. While the
official statistics have not yet been announced, we think participation and
engagement were high!
<http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1773.html> conducted by the Rand
Corporation <http://www.rand.org/> exploring the use of EngageNY
<https://www.engageny.org/> sheds light on the ways in which OER can better
support teachers and the implementation of state standards. Engage NY is
one of the first efforts to create standards-aligned OER curriculum
materials. Key findings:
EngageNY is among the most commonly used curriculum materials for
mathematics and English language arts (ELA).
High use of EngageNY was at least partly driven by educators' desire to
help students meet state standards.
EngageNY gives students more opportunities to engage in
standards-aligned practices compared with other materials.
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Last week a new book
<http://www.ubiquitypress.com/site/books/10.5334/bbc/> entitled “Open: The
Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science”
was launched. Written in collaboration between a number of open leaders,
the book covers open education, open access and open science and was
published by Ubiquity Press (CC-BY). The material was edited by Rajiv
Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Deiner and is available both online and in
print. Congratulations to all those involved!
NEW AUTHORING GUIDE: The Open Textbook Network has created a new guide
<https://press.rebus.community/authoropen/> for faculty authors,
librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production
of open textbooks in higher education and at the K-12 level. Content
includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies,
textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of
useful tools.
FUNDING BOOST FOR BCCAMPUS: Last week the province’s Minister of Advanced
Education announced <https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2017AVED0036-000944>
$250,000 in funding for BCcampus’ Open Textbook Project. The funding is
welcomed by BCcampus who currently boasts a collection of 180 open
textbooks and has saved BC students $4 million to date.
RPT CHANGES AT UBC: During a regular revision of the institution’s Guide to
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Procedures
<http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty-relations/files/SAC-Guide.pdf>, faculty
pursuing the Educational Leadership Stream at UBC can now be evaluated for
their contributions to “open education repositories/resources”.
COOL4ED STUDY: A new study
<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12528-017-9138-0> exploring
the instructor and student experiences of open textbook use at higher
education institutions in California was published last month. The study
entitled “Instructor and student experiences with open textbooks, from the
California open online library for education (Cool4Ed)” was conducted by
Ozgur Ozdemir and Christina Hendricks.
MORE MILLIONS SAVED: The Maricopa Millions OER project
<https://www.maricopa.edu/welcome-to-the-maricopa-millions-oer-project> has
saved Maricopa Community College students over 9 million dollars
in its first four years. The project which was projected to save students 5
million dollars in five year's has already surpassed that initial goal and
the cost savings are set to continue.
ED OPEN LICENSING POLICY: Two months ago the Department of Education
formally adopted its Open Licensing rule
for grant programs. Two weeks ago, the Department published a notice that
it would be delaying the effective date of the rule by 60 days as an
extension of the Administration’s regulatory freeze, and it will now go
into effect until May 22. The Department has opened up a public comment
period about the delay, and we encourage the community to comment prior to
the April 20th deadline.
Conferences, jobs, and other OER-related opportunities
EVENT: Registration for the Open Textbook Summit 2017, is now open!
BCcampus’ annual event will be taking place May 24-25 in Vancouver, BC.
OPPORTUNITY: The Open Textbook Network is seeking your feedback to help
their library grow. What is a new open textbook (or two!) that you would
like to see in the Open Textbook Library?
OPPORTUNITY: The Year of Open is looking for your thoughts on how they can
improve this effort! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/yearofopen
OPPORTUNITY: The rightcopyright.eu Campaign for Education could use your
help! Sign the petition here www.rightcopyright.eu
OPPORTUNITY: The Rebus Community is looking for individuals interested in
taking part in their Peer Review Working Group.
A brief snapshot of those making change on the ground level, and those most
FROM ALBERTA: “The undergraduate Students’ Union has been a strong advocate
for OERs, and Alicia Lunz, current vice-president academic of the SU has
been a driving force behind this initiative. “This pilot program is the
culmination of a lot of hard work between Dr. Lynn Taylor and myself. The
program will allow professors to enhance their knowledge of open education
resources and in turn, make them more available to students. As I leave my
role in the Students’ Union, I look forward to seeing the impact this will
have on the student experience and on the financial barriers that persist
in post-secondary education,” she says.” Read more>>
FROM WASHINGTON: The goal for faculty, administration and student
government is helping students finish their degrees on time and with as
little cost as possible. Sacrificing textbooks to pay bills doesn’t help
accomplish that. For Troy, the move toward OER is an obvious one, despite
the challenges. “Affordable textbooks will increase student success, help
students be more engaged in the classroom, and when students have access to
the materials they need, they will be more successful overall,” Troy said.
“It’s going to be a game-changer.” Read more>>
Rajiv Jhangiani @thatpsychprof <https://twitter.com/thatpsychprof> March 27
It's out!!! Our new edited book (CC-BY) about Open #oep
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/oep?src=hash> #oer
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/oer?src=hash> #oa
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/oa?src=hash> #openscience
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/openscience?src=hash> from @ubiquitypress
<https://twitter.com/ubiquitypress> Pls share widely!
http://www.ubiquitypress.com/site/books/10.5334/bbc/ …
Interesting Reads on Education and Open
A Defender of Impoverished Students, and a Scholar of Their Struggles | The
Chronicle of Higher Education
Annie Gaines | Movers & Shakers 2017 – Advocates | Library Journal
April Open Perspective: What is Open Pedagogy? | The Year of Open
At SLCC 'Open Education Resources' Lowering Cost of College | benzinga
Campaign Spotlights Global Open Education Movement | Campus Technology
E-ffordability Summit Looks at Textbook Costs | WIproud.com
International Projects Category: Award Winner and Runners Up | The Guardian
Open Educational Resources Movement Scales Up | Education Week
‘Open’ Ed. Provider Steps Into English/Language Arts Market | EdWeek Market
Proposed Cap On Textbook Costs in Peril After Colleges Object | Columbus
Business First
Schools Shift to Free Public Domain Curricula | Wall Street Journal
The Open Educational Resources Movement is Redefining the Concept of Online
Textbooks | University Affairs
Trial and Error: Cutting Textbook Costs | Inside Higher Ed
Vancouver Pilots Comprehensive Open Math Curriculum | Getting Smart
What is OER? 5 Questions About Open Educational Resources | Education Week
Have suggestions for the next edition?
Let us know at oerdigest at gmail.com, or tweet us @OERdigest
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