[Open-education] The biggest Brazilian action for OER training

Priscila Gonsales prigon at educadigital.org.br
Wed Mar 21 14:08:15 UTC 2018

Greetings Open Education friends,

I'm proud to announce that we from Brazil Open Education Initiative
<http://www.aberta.org.br/> are going to launch the biggest Brazilian
action for OER training we've heard.

In April, the first edition of the OER course <http://www.cursorea.net.br/>for
Open University Brazil Program (UAB) from Ministry of Education expects to
reach more than 300 participants. In this action we are engaging federal
universities professors and police makers to foster the open education
concept in order to make the practice come true. UAB is the official
federal program to provide higher education to the basic education teachers
(15% out of 2 millions teachers). The second edition, scheduled for
September, will be dedicated to OER facilitators training.

Link to the official news (in portuguese):

At the same time, and as part of the course, we will release to the general
public our OER referatory platform *RE-li-A* (Recursos Educacionais com
licenças Abertas), we emphasize *"li"* because all resources available on
the platform must have be under an open license. It is a wordpress platform
and the code are at git.hub — it could be used by any school or educational
institution who wants to index their own resources. RE-li-A was built by us
with support from a crowdfunding campaign. And the great news is: *RE-li-A
is fully integrated with Ministry of Education Platform:* https://

However, we have to raise funds to continue work on *RE-li-A project.*  I'd
like to ask you about suggestions of funding opportunities.

I appreciate your attencion!
All the best!

*Priscila Gonsales*
Instituto Educadigital
Tel. (11) 99185-8452
Twitter: @prigon
FB: www.facebook.com/priscila.gonsales
Skype: priscila.gonsales
Ashokas's fellow <https://www.ashoka.org/fellow/priscila-gonsales>

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