[Open-education] OER Digest - May 17th, 2018

OER Digest oerdigest at gmail.com
Thu May 17 19:43:09 UTC 2018

*From Ethan Senack, Creative Commons USA | Volume 57 | May 17th, 2018With
help from Nicole Allen and Camille Thomas THE OER DIGESTYour bi-weekly
newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and remindersSTART
SPREADING THE NEWS: Governor Cuomo of New York announced yesterday
that an additional $8 million has been allocated for OER programs at SUNY
<https://twitter.com/SUNYOERServices/status/996818770613202944> and CUNY
<https://twitter.com/CUNY/status/996788620332855297>. This comes on top of
an $8 million investment last year to jump start the process. The programs
already report over $12 million in savings, and their expectation new is
“by the end of the Spring 2019 semester, the initiative will have covered
260,000 students for a total savings of more than $28 million.”MORE STATE
UPDATES: Texas issued their first grant RFP for K-12 textbooks, as
established under SB 1784
The new education appropriations bill HF 4328
in Minnesota would require Boards of Trustees at state schools to develop
plans to increase affordable textbook options on campus and set goals for
how widely they’re used. Virginia has started implementing HB 454
<https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?181+sum+HB454>, which
requires that institutions develop guidelines for OER. FEDS MOVING FORWARD:
The Department of Education has responded
to a request from Congress affirming that it’s on track to invite
applications for the newly-funded federal OER grant program early this
summer. Grants will be available to institutions of higher education for
programs that create or expand the use of open textbooks to achieve savings
for students, although many of the details of the program still remain to
be seen. In the words of Congressional champion Senator Durbin, “I’m
encouraged by what we’ve heard from the department so far, but I’ll be
watching and so will students across America.”NEW PUBLISHING TOOL: Rebus
Community unveiled
<https://about.rebus.community/2018/05/introducing-rebus-projects/> their
new “Rebus Projects” this week - a platform that facilitates OER
publishing. The platform is a space to manage different open textbook
projects, coordinate contributors, and work through editing and
collaborations. Head here <https://projects.rebus.community/> to try out
the Beta. STATE OF THE COMMONS: Creative Commons published their annual
“State of the Commons <https://stateof.creativecommons.org/>” report this
month. The report profiles a variety of aspects in the field of open, but
the biggest highlight is that there are now at least 1.4 billion
CC-licensed works available worldwide. OPEN CONFERENCESUpcoming Events,
Proposal and Registration Deadlines, Report-Backs  LAST CALL: Northeast OER
Summit is a multi-state collaborative event for new and experienced OER
advocates to share effective practices on May 31 - June 1. Register by May
24 here <https://umass.irisregistration.com/Home/Site?code=OER>.LAST CALL:
The BCcampus Festival of Learning is coming up on May 28-30. Registration
is still open here <https://bccampus.ca/festival-of-learning-2018/>.
REGISTER: Iowa and Nebraska are co-hosting a multi-site #GoOpen Summit on
June 11. Find more information and registration here
Saylor Academy is hosting a Summit on the Credentialing Economy in
Washington, DC, on June 7-8. Register here <https://summit.saylor.org>.JOB:
SPARC is hiring an Assistant Director of Open Education. The job posting
seeks a recent graduate or early career professional who is passionate
about Open to be based in Washington, DC or remotely. Details here
STORIES FROM THE FIELDQuick snapshots of those making change on the ground
level, and those impactedFROM MASSACHUSETTS (IN K-12): “Teachers know that
talking about equity issues is important, but don’t always know how to
start and end up not doing it. Having openly available curricular materials
on equity is a good way to have that first step about equity is one thing
and making it more accessible. Teacher capacity and teacher time are also
important;” an interview with Teacher of the Year Sydney Chafee. (This
posting was delayed from it’s authoring date). Read More >
KANSAS (IN HIGHER ED): “The initiative to reduce the costs for
instructional materials is one of the most important efforts the libraries
are involved in,” said Kevin L. Smith, dean of libraries. “These grants
allow us to put the value we place on open access into practice in a way
that also supports another core library value — student success — and we
are able to develop partnerships across campus with those who share these
goals.” Read More >
OFF THE PRESSEach edition, we’ll highlight an interesting, new,
openly-licensed resource Check out the Texas Toolkit for OER Course
Markings <http://libguides.uta.edu/TXtoolkit/home>, a guide developed by UT
Arlington librarian Michelle Reed to support implementation of marking OER
in course catalogs, which became a statewide requirement in Texas last year
through SB 810. The toolkit was originally Michelle's capstone project in
the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, and is now being expanded to
include case studies
<http://libguides.uta.edu/TXtoolkit/opportunities>.WEIGH INInteresting
Discussions and Strategic Reads to Repost or Share Great to Share >>
Textbook Alternatives Take Hold at Community Colleges | Inside Higher
to Consider >>Where Are All the Faculty in the Open Education Movement? |
and Dual Enrollment | Inside Higher
Authors Sue Cengage Over Subscription Model | Inside Higher
Much Should You Pay for a Free Curriculum? | Open Up
suggestions for the next edition? Let us know at oerdigest at gmail.com
<oerdigest at gmail.com>, or tweet us @OERdigest
<https://twitter.com/oerdigest>. The OER Digest is a public newsletter
distributed to a broad group of stakeholders across the higher education
community. You can join the open Google Group or check out the distribution
list here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/oerdigest>.*
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