[open-energy] [open-economics] Open data and energy economics

Florian Bauer florian.bauer at reeep.org
Wed Jun 29 07:10:06 BST 2011

Hi Jonathan

> * Perhaps we could collaborate on creating a shared list of energy
> data sources? We have the start of such a list, but we'd really
> benefit from your input! http://ckan.net/group/energy-data

Creating a list of energy data sources on CKAN is a great idea.

I would suggest to add:
* reegle: http://ckan.net/package/clean-energy-data-reegle (see also 
http://data.reegle.info for more details)
* OpenEI: http://ckan.net/package/open-energy-info-wiki (see also 
http://en.openei.org/lod/ for more details)

Both platforms provide relevant energy related datasets as linked open 
data (RDF / SPARQL / ...)

Please let me know if you have any questions on reegle. I copied in 
Sadie and Jon from NREL, who are the main contacts for OpenEI.

Best regards

Florian Bauer
Operations&  IT Director

REEEP International Secretariat
Vienna International Centre D1738
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Tel:    + 43 1 26026 3714
Fax:    + 43 1 21346 3714
Mobile: + 43 664 418 21 06
florian.bauer at reeep.org

Internet: www.reeep.org and www.reegle.info

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