[open-heritage] Contemporary Artists CC outreach project

Joris Pekel okfn.joris.pekel at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 1 12:07:23 UTC 2012

Hi everybody,

We have set a date for the Skype call where we discuss the next steps to
take in the Contemporary Artists CC outreach project.

We will have it this Wednesday, 3d of October at 18:00 BST

For what has been discussed till now see:

Everybody is welcome to join! If you want to, please send me your Skype

All the best,


2012/9/26 Joris Pekel <okfn.joris.pekel at googlemail.com>

> Hi all,
> Echoing Maarten, great to see this happening!
> I think we have some pretty solid ideas to get started. Great to see the
> input of Sandra Fouconnier in the pad!
> Shall we try to do a first Skype/Hangout session in the next week? This
> allows us to wrap up OKFest and take things forward from there. I think the
> best time to do it is 18:00 CEST, which means 9:00 for Sarah in the
> morning. Does that make sense? I have set up a doodle to pick a date.
> http://www.doodle.com/gq8ibnyeuexszzcx?lt=1
> Thanks!
> Joris
> 2012/9/25 Maarten Brinkerink <mbrinkerink at beeldengeluid.nl>
>> Dear all,
>> Great to see this is taking off. Just one response inline:
>> Op 22 sep. 2012, om 11:41 heeft Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch at gmail.com>
>> het volgende geschreven:
>>    - Who will be our focus group?
>>     - My intention was to have this be geared specifically towards
>>       contemporary visual artists, to be used by Open GLAM professionals to
>>       promote free licenses by those artists. Over the course of the week,
>>       participants also suggested writers, musicians, all types of creators.
>>       Perhaps we can start with one geared towards contemporary artists, in order
>>       to have something of quality in a timely manner, and move further? Or make
>>       something more encompassing?
>> I think it makes sense to focus on contemporary visual artists at first.
>> Since this is not my field I won't be involved at this point. But please
>> let me know once you've matured and start focussing on for instance
>> musicians and creators of moving images.
>> Best,
>> Maarten
>>    -
>>    - I see this document being something similar to the Wikimedia
>>    Foundation's Annual Report:
>>    http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Annual_Report
>>       - Imagine a document that looks good online and on paper, with
>>       simple calls to action for artists to share their works. If we're pitching
>>       to visual artists, it's important that we have a visually attractive
>>       document with short and simple writing styles and visual examples of free
>>       work.
>>    - Who will print it? Who will support this financially? Will we need
>>    that at all? (The artists I know prefer to hold things in their hand versus
>>    have a PDF online...)
>>     - What names will be on it - as in organizational names. Where will
>>    this document live?
>> I'm on airport wifi right now and it won't let me connect to Ether or
>> PiratePads. So perhaps someone can dump this to the Piratepad or It'll just
>> have to wait until I'm back in the States and not jet lagged :)
>>  Please add your name and contact information. We'll most likely have to
>> have the occasional Skype/Hangout call, too.
>> I also encourage you to share resources, and start brainstorming. I have
>> to tie this into my volunteer capacity since I do not have the pleasure
>> (yet) to work in the GLAM/Open Culture field in a paid capacity at this
>> time, so it'll take a happy group of volunteers to make this develop
>> quickly!
>> Thanks,
>> Sarah
>> --
>> *Sarah Stierch*
>> *Museumist and open culture advocate*
>> >>Visit sarahstierch.com <http://sarahstierch.com/><<
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> --
> Joris Pekel
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org
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Joris Pekel
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
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