[open-heritage] Contemporary Artists CC outreach project

Sarah Stierch sstierch at wikimedia.org
Sun Sep 23 19:28:37 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I have some responses inline:

On 9/22/12 4:56 PM, Primavera De Filippi wrote:
> Hi Sarah, thanks for following up with that !
> One important thing that we need to figure out is how long of a 
> document do we want it be ?
> ie. a one page flyer or a more substantial doc that properly explains 
> the what, the how and the why's (I'd personally rather go for a short 
> document, or maybe a short paper-version and a longer online version ?)

I was hoping for a booklet, similar in style to the WMF year in review 
or why you should edit Wikipedia booklets we have, or I suppose if all 
else fails, a one pager. We'll just be limited on how much artwork or 
creativity we can put into it.

> Ideally, it would be a document that we do not have to print, but that 
> we just provide as an online resource for anyone to print it whenever 
> the need arises.
> For instance, we plan to organize a contemporary art exhibition for 
> the 10 years of Creative Commons, along with a call for artists to 
> submit their works under an open license - so that document would be 
> perfect for this  :)

For me, and I believe for artists and museum professionals, having a 
hard copy is more important than having a document on one's computer or 
online. I tend to read things in my hand faster than I do read things 
attached in documents or linked to me in emails. I also know I'm not the 
only cultural professional who is that way, and same with artists (but, 
perhaps this is just my experience - and keep in mind that is almost ten 
years of experience in working closely with artists).

I think having both is extremely important. Whether it's for a gallery 
owner to hand out directly to an artist they are considering working 
with, or an artist picking up at a free arts conference from someone's 
table, or someone being linked to it online. Recently, I co-wrote the 
American Association of Museum's TrendsWatch Report. We were originally 
going to keep the document an online PDF document only, but the demand 
by museum and gallery professionals to have a hard copy was strong, so, 
we chose to have a printed collection of them do distribute at our 
national conference.

I also don't want us to make this completely CC centric - there is also 
the http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en - Free Art License, which, when 
thinking about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which Harry 
cited in his keynote!), specifically article 27 
(http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml#a27), which cites:

  * (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural
    life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific
    advancement and its benefits.
  * (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and
    material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or
    artistic production of which he is the author.

tends to touch on that right in a different way than CC BY SA/A. Of 
course, it's a bit more restrictive, but, I'd rather provide the artist 
the rights than others the rights over their artwork.

A good guide we can also use is : 

Or do we just keep it:

Public Domain

So we need to figure that, aspect out, too.


*Sarah Stierch*
*/Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow/*
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