[OpenGLAM] [New Blog] Walters Art Museum: A case study in sharing

Sarah Stierch sarah.stierch at okfn.org
Tue Jan 22 19:07:43 UTC 2013

Hi everyone!

I'm excited to say that a new case study has released regarding 
OpenGLAM! I co-wrote the case study about the Walters Art Museum in 
Baltimore and their ongoing partnership with Wikimedia volunteers. This 
case study touches on a few things:

  * The Walters changing their licenses on their website to be free licenses

  * The Walters donating 18,000+ high quality images to Wikimedia Commons.
      o These images are used in thousands of Wikipedia articles and
        provide the public further access to their amazing collection.
        We include recent metrics too - the Walters website has had a
        visitation increase of 500% (!?) since releasing their content
        to Wikimedia! Something that makes donor and board members very
        happy :)  (Meaning more funding and support for projects like

  * The creation of an internship modeled on the Wikipedian in Residence

  * A new project focused around crowdsourcing transcriptions of rare
    Latin documents (yes...we have Wikipedians who read and write Latin!)

You can find my blog here: 

Or just jump to the case study here: 

Please share and enjoy. I'm happy to answer any questions!


Sarah Stierch
US OpenGLAM Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation
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