[OpenGLAM] FW: [MCN-L] Different Copyrights / Different Image Resolutions

Edson, Michael EDSONM at si.edu
Wed Mar 12 15:11:31 UTC 2014

Cross-post from the Museum Computer Network listserv.

Kate Blanch of the Walters (cc'd on this message) asks a good question
about practices regarding licensing and © for the same source file
provided to users at different resolutions.

(I strongly feel that the Open Glam Principles should provide guidance and
leadership on this issue, e.g., we should discourage the practice of
giving away the low-resolution/low-quality files and enclosing
bigger/better ones. I'm happy to digress on why, ad nauseam ;)

On 3/12/14 10:58 AM, "Kate Blanch" <kblanch at thewalters.org> wrote:

>Hello MCN,
>This may be a rather dense question regarding copyright law...but as it's
>outside my area of expertise I figured this community could provide a
>great reference point. My own research is not turning up an good
>answers/examples either!
>Do any institutions assign different copyright statements to derivatives
>of the same image, depending on that image's resolution?
>Take for example, a photo of a Greek urn in a museum collection. Would it
>be common practice for a high-resolution TIFF of this photo to bear a
>"(c)Museum Institution, 2014" statement, while a medium-resolution JPG of
>the same photo would bear a "(c) Creative Commons License"?
>Does this scenario fit within basic copyright law or guidelines?
>If anyone is differentiating copyright statements based on image
>resolution, do you have this policy written/documented in a shareable way?
>Thanks for any feedback you might have!
>Kate Blanch
>Administrator, Museum Databases
>kblanch at thewalters.org / 410.547.9000 ext. 266
>The Walters Art Museum
>600 N. Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201

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