[OpenGLAM] MUSE AWARD: Don't Miss the deadline to submit your project

Lieke Ploeger lieke.ploeger at okfn.org
Wed Mar 26 16:57:06 UTC 2014

Dear all,

For our network, the Open category of these Awards will probably be the
most interesting -

On 26 March 2014 17:47, Sarraf, Suzanne <S-SARRAF at nga.gov> wrote:

>  *Don't miss the opportunity to submit your project for a MUSE award. *
>  The MUSE awards held by the American Alliance of Museums Media &
> Technology Professional Network recognize outstanding achievement in
> Galleries, Libraries, Archives or Museums (GLAM) media. Presented to
> institutions or independent producers who use digital media to enhance the
> GLAM experience and engage audiences, the Muse awards celebrate
> scholarship, community, innovation, creativity, education, and
> inclusiveness.
> Projects must be produced by or for a GLAM, and may include websites,
> podcasts, multimedia installations, games, interactive kiosks, apps and
> much more. Winning projects for each category are chosen by an
> international group of GLAM technology professionals and the awards will be
> presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo in Seattle.
>  *Categories include:*
>  Applications and APIs: Digital presentations, applications and mashups
> that utilize existing data and online resources to transform content into
> new meaningful tools or experiences.
>  Audio Tours and Podcasts:  Entries can range from audio tours on devices
> to video and audio podcasts that create links between on-line and/or
> on-site activities and programs, exhibits and lectures, creating an
> augmented and extended experience to a global audience.
>  Digital Communities: Online social spaces, moderated and hosted by a
> GLAM, that offer a virtual space for people to gather around a common
> experience, exhibition or interest. Entries could include blogs, badging,
> social media campaigns/projects and micro-sites created for on-going
> community engagement. These sites can target either a broad-based or niche
> audience and contribute to the process of social networking.
>  Education and Outreach: Projects that include educational content for
> children or adults, resources for educators/teachers, distance learning'
> courses, pedagogical training tools and outreach to the community.
>  Games and Augmented Reality: Challenging interactive activities that
> educate, entertain and may involve strategy, competing or role playing
> defined by rules and linked to a specific outcome. Games can be online,
> peer-to-peer or mobile. Augmented Reality entries merge the real world
> environment with digital imagery and interfaces via QR codes, cameras, Tag
> and more.
>  Interactive Kiosks: A single interactive kiosk in a gallery, visitor
> center or other public space that offers an alternative, visitor-friendly
> view of information.
>  Interpretive Interactive Installations: Multiple kiosks or full gallery
> installations requiring input from visitors to accommodate an educational
> and entertaining experience. Entries can be interpretive, and come in
> various forms such as interactive video walls, projection-based
> installations and touch tables.
>  Mobile Applications: Optimized websites and apps that extend the GLAM
> experience onto mobile devices. This can include q-codes integration,
> interactive kiosks, GPS technology, outdoor interactive signage and other
> environmental marketing.
>  Multimedia Installations: Site-specific immersive installations in
> public spaces such as exhibits or visitor centers, that use a variety of
> media and techniques such as sound, video, photography, augmented reality
> and the internet to support a subject matter. Entries can be interpretive
> and come in various forms such as surround-sound video projections,
> responsive architecture, performance and do not require interactivity.
>  Online Presence: Web sites, online collections, image databases and
> exhibitions that present and interpret GLAM collections and themes,
> providing a rich and meaningful virtual experience. Projects should
> demonstrate effective use of multiple media formats, innovative ways of
> complementing physical exhibitions or providing surrogates for physical
> experiences in online only exhibitions.
>  Open: Entries are projects created by or for* GLAMS celebrating the ever
> growing bounty of innovative projects created in the open environment.
> Projects can include both front-end and back-end innovations. Projects must
> demonstrate how open data/content was used and the product created.
>  *By or For: This award can be submitted by anyone working with open data
> in the GLAM environment. We encourage anyone to submit projects that
> contribute to our larger mission to engage and education our community and
> to allow our repositories of global cultural heritage more to be more
> accessible and equitable for reuse.
>  Public Outreach: Unique approaches showcasing GLAM initiatives for the
> press, marketing purposes and donor development pieces. Could include email
> newsletters, viral marketing campaigns, fundraising videos, etc.
>  Video, Film and Computer Animation: Entries are linear and nonlinear
> narratives in video format. This includes documentaries, interviews,
> original cartoons, motion graphics, animations and stop motion. Individual
> episodes or entire series may be entered.
>  Honeysett and Din Student Award: Entries include student works that meet
> the criteria for any of the listed categories. Student entries can include
> finished projects created for GLAMs or other educational institutions as
> well as class projects, prototypes or concepts.
>  *Entries must include a letter from faculty (sponsor, mentor, GLAM) sent
> to the Muse chair. The letter that you need from a faculty member has to
> verify that the project you are submitting was created while you are/were a
> student in university.
>  *Students can send 3 entries, one per category.
>  *Universities/Sponsors can send 6 entries.
>  *Universities/Sponsors may submit projects on behalf of their students,
> but must secure student permission prior to sending materials. Entry must
> include a letter from the student sent to the Muse Chair.
>  *Student or Sponsor may complete online registration for projects
> submitted.
>  http://aam-us.org/about-us/grants-awards-and-competitions/muse-awards
>  Applications and APIs
> Digital presentations, applications and mashups that utilize existing data
> and online resources to transform content into new meaningful tools or
> experiences.
>  Audio Tours and Podcasts
> Entries can range from audio tours on devices to video and audio podcasts
> that create links between on-line and/or on-site activities and programs,
> exhibits and lectures, creating an augmented and extended experience to a
> global audience.
>  Digital Communities
> Online social spaces, moderated and hosted by a GLAM, that offer a virtual
> space for people to gather around a common experience, exhibition or
> interest. Entries could include blogs, badging, social media
> campaigns/projects and micro-sites created for on-going community
> engagement. These sites can target either a broad-based or niche audience
> and contribute to the process of social networking.
>  Education and Outreach
> Projects that include educational content for children or adults,
> resources for educators/teachers, distance learning' courses, pedagogical
> training tools and outreach to the community.
>  Games and Augmented Reality
> Challenging interactive activities that educate, entertain and may involve
> strategy, competing or role playing defined by rules and linked to a
> specific outcome. Games can be online, peer-to-peer or mobile. Augmented
> Reality entries merge the real world environment with digital imagery and
> interfaces via QR codes, cameras, Tag and more.
>  Interactive Kiosks
> A single interactive kiosk in a gallery, visitor center or other public
> space that offers an alternative, visitor-friendly view of information.
>  Interpretive Interactive Installations
> Multiple kiosks or full gallery installations requiring input from
> visitors to accommodate an educational and entertaining experience. Entries
> can be interpretive, and come in various forms such as interactive video
> walls, projection-based installations and touch tables.
>  Mobile Applications
> Optimized websites and apps that extend the GLAM experience onto mobile
> devices. This can include q-codes integration, interactive kiosks, GPS
> technology, outdoor interactive signage and other environmental marketing.
>  Multimedia Installations
> Site-specific immersive installations in public spaces such as exhibits or
> visitor centers, that use a variety of media and techniques such as sound,
> video, photography, augmented reality and the internet to support a subject
> matter. Entries can be interpretive and come in various forms such as
> surround-sound video projections, responsive architecture, performance and
> do not require interactivity.
>  Online Presence
> Web sites, online collections, image databases and exhibitions that
> present and interpret GLAM collections and themes, providing a rich and
> meaningful virtual experience. Projects should demonstrate effective use of
> multiple media formats, innovative ways of complementing physical
> exhibitions or providing surrogates for physical experiences in online only
> exhibitions.
>  Open
> Entries are projects created by or for* GLAMS celebrating the ever growing
> bounty of innovative projects created in the open environment. Projects can
> include both front-end and back-end innovations. Projects must demonstrate
> how open data/content was used and the product created.
> *By or For: This award can be submitted by anyone working with open data
> in the GLAM environment. We encourage anyone to submit projects that
> contribute to our larger mission to engage and education our community and
> to allow our repositories of global cultural heritage more to be more
> accessible and equitable for reuse.
>  Public Outreach
> Unique approaches showcasing GLAM initiatives for the press, marketing
> purposes and donor development pieces. Could include email newsletters,
> viral marketing campaigns, fundraising videos, etc.
>  Video, Film and Computer Animation
> Entries are linear and nonlinear narratives in video format. This includes
> documentaries, interviews, original cartoons, motion graphics, animations
> and stop motion. Individual episodes or entire series may be entered.
>  Honeysett and Din Student Award
> Entries include student works that meet the criteria for any of the listed
> categories. Student entries can include finished projects created for GLAMs
> or other educational institutions as well as class projects, prototypes or
> concepts.
> *Entries must include a letter from faculty (sponsor, mentor, GLAM) sent
> to the Muse chair. The letter that you need from a faculty member has to
> verify that the project you are submitting was created while you are/were a
> student in university.
> *Students can send 3 entries, one per category.
> *Universities/Sponsors can send 6 entries.
> *Universities/Sponsors may submit projects on behalf of their students,
> but must secure student permission prior to sending materials. Entry must
> include a letter from the student sent to the Muse Chair.
> *Student or Sponsor may complete online registration for projects
> submitted.
> http://aam-us.org/about-us/grants-awards-and-competitions/muse-awards
>  http://aam-us.org/about-us/grants-awards-and-competitions/muse-awards
>  https://www.facebook.com/MediaandTechnology
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Lieke Ploeger

Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

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