[OpenGLAM] New copyright office initiative for visual works

John Resig jeresig at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 16:38:59 UTC 2015

That's very interesting - thank you for the link!

It appears as if it's mostly centered around helping photographers enforce
their copyright - which is a good thing - but may not directly impact a
number of the issues that are faced in the museum/library world (namely
slavish reproductions of 2d works of art that are in the public domain). I
think I may write in something to that effect to make sure that they're
aware of that problem and I encourage others to do the same!

Also I noticed that the link in the prior email wasn't working exactly but
this works for me:


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Mary Mark Ockerbloom <
celebration.women at gmail.com> wrote:

> New copyright office initiative of potential interest:
> https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/04/24/2015-09575/copyright-protection-for-certain-visual-works
> <https://mail.chemheritage.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=ms068C7WEEmRyB2rNefbjNBC9HaeVNII2X5AKLYYgHqAOu63ATY-LxQuvtgwqAaPlkJm26gvKcQ.&URL=https%3a%2f%2fwww.federalregister.gov%2farticles%2f2015%2f04%2f24%2f2015-09575%2fcopyright-protection-for-certain-visual-works>
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