[OpenGLAM] Bartolomeo Meletti - Europeana Members Council elections

Bartolomeo Meletti bart at bufvc.ac.uk
Tue Nov 27 16:17:08 UTC 2018

Dear colleagues,

I hope this finds you well. My name is Bartolomeo Meletti and I am running
as a candidate for the Europeana Network Association Members Council:

I am running in my capacity as Copyright Services Delivery Manager for
Learning on Screen, a UK charity and membership organisation committed to
open up access to moving image and sound. I also work as Creative Director
of CopyrightUser.org for CREATe, the UK Copyright and Creative Economy
Centre based at the University of Glasgow. In this capacity, I have been on
secondment to the British Film Institute for more than two years, where I
became familiar with the copyright challenges related to digitising complex
types of works such as films.

Through initiatives such as CopyrightUser.org, over the last seven years I
have been working on helping creators, cultural heritage practitioners,
teachers and students, media professionals, and other copyright users to
make informed decisions around copyright issues and to meaningfully
participate in copyright policy debates. My work has always been aimed at
facilitating access and creative reuse of existing works.

I would like to bring my experience and expertise to Europeana, with a view
to making Europe's culture more accessible and reusable. I believe that
Europeana can play a curical role in shaping a copyright policy landscape
that facilitates (rather than inhibits) access and reuse of works. We can
achieve this not only through policy and legislative interventions, but
also by understanding and using the free spaces that copyright law already
offers us, such as copyright exceptions and the public domain.

If you agree that a positive interpretation of current copyright provisions
as well as advocacy for a more fit for purpose EU copyright system would be
beneficial to Europeana, please vote for me!

Thanks and best wishes,



*Bartolomeo Meletti*
*Copyright Services Delivery Manager*

Learning on Screen
*Opening up access to moving image and sound since 1948*

E-Mail: bart at bufvc.ac.uk
Tel.: 020 7393 1510

Learning on Screen <http://bufvc.ac.uk/> | @LearnonScreen
<https://twitter.com/learnonscreen> | @OnDemandBoB
<https://twitter.com/OnDemandBoB> | @bobinschools

*Learning on Screen’s Privacy Policy can be found
at http://bufvc.ac.uk/aboutus/privacy/privacy-and-cookies-policy

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Learning on Screen - The British Universities and Colleges Film and Video
Council is a limited company registered in England under company number
955348, registered as a charity No. 313582, whose registered office is at
77 Wells Street, London W1T 3QJ

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