[open-government] Russian government public spending data (www.rosspending.ru)
Sören Auer
auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Jul 12 20:26:19 UTC 2010
Dear Ivan,
this looks very impressive and seems to catapult Russia to the forefront
of open public data. One question, which is crucial, once we aim to
integrate and align different national datasets is whether the
(meta-)data is available as Linked Data as well? It would be great if
you could advocate the use of Linked Data for publishing open data in
Russia a little. We should also stay in touch once the publishing of
open governmental data gains more traction in Europe.
Keep up the great work!
On 10.07.2010 8:20, Ivan Begtin wrote:
> Dear all.
> I have a little big announcement about open data in Russia.
> I would like to introduce first russian public spending monitoring
> project - http://www.rosspending.ru .
> It includes information about 1 400 000 federal contracts, about 210 000
> contracts of regional governments.
> Information about more than 260 000 suppliers and 26 000 customers.
> Lots of reports:
> - major industry suppliers - http://www.rosspending.ru/reports/contractors/
> - contracts with too short timeframe -
> http://www.rosspending.ru/reports/common/ctrmindates/
> - list of suppliers that depends "too much" on major customers and who
> gets most money from sole source -
> http://www.rosspending.ru/reports/common/suppaffilation/
> - major IT contracts - http://www.rosspending.ru/reports/it/ittop/
> Also we provide information about 1306 Russian President grants -
> http://www.rosspending.ru/grants/oprf/
> This project was initiated by Institute of Contemporary Development
> (http://www.insor-russia.ru/en/_about_us) and launched publicly 2 days
> ago during "Tver economic forum"
> I represent small software development company behind this project and
> as e-Gov evangelist and public spending specialist I am project manager
> of this project.
> It's all based on public open data about russian spending which being
> disclosed last 3 years by Federal Treasury. We just used this open data
> to provide all good people of Russia new view on government public spending.
> P.S. Google Translate could help a lot to read all those russian texts
> http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.rosspending.ru&sl=ru&tl=en
> <http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.rosspending.ru&sl=ru&tl=en>
> Best Regards,
> Ivan Begtin
> http://www.opengovdata.ru
> http://www.rosspending.ru
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