[open-government] Know of any data publishing made easy tools for government?

Phil Archer phil.archer at talis.com
Wed Sep 22 08:12:56 UTC 2010

Hi James,

Monika has already pointed you to the primary tool for this (thanks for 
the note about the name change, Monika). Jeni Tennison has written an 
excellent blog post/tutorial on it [1] which I'm sure you'll find 
helpful too.

The problem with the scenario you describe is not the tools, it's that 
data is rarely clean and a civil servant, for all their many skills in 
different areas, may not be conversant with data formats, the benefits 
of linked data, publishing options and so on. That's when, even in 
straightened economic times, a bit fo consultancy help can make life 
easier for everyone ;-)


[1] http://www.jenitennison.com/blog/node/145


Phil Archer
Talis Platform
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On 22/09/2010 08:23, james burke wrote:
> Hi All,
> While there is a lot of discussion around software like CKAN which is described as a data catalog,
> whose function is to point to data sets and add meta data and other features that enrich findability
> and comprehension, i am wandering if there are examples of data publishing solutions,
> that make it easy for government workers to easily input and then publish data
> so that it can reach a variety of users in open data standard formats like xml, csv, etc
> Examples:
> - A civil servant uploads an excel sheet which is then converted  to xml, csv or other open data standard
> - A government worker, selects part of a database which they then want to make available in an easy to reuse format over the web to either everyone, or a select group of users.
> If examples exist, curious to see if anything is open-source?
> Regards
> James
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