[open-government] Building an openly licenced, global history of all open government/freedom of information activities

Tim McNamara tim.mcnamara at okfn.org
Wed Aug 24 03:18:44 UTC 2011

Members of this mailing list have a tremendous wealth of knowledge
about freedom of information and open government within their
countries. I believe that we can create a list of every significant
statute, court case, open data website, presidential speech or other
activity that relates to open government quite quickly. The history is
nearly empty at the moment (I've added New Zealand's Official
Information Act 1982 as a test run)

If you have two minutes, please add your country's freedom of
information law: http://bit.ly/nVeDCW.

Direct links:

Form (both are identical):
  - http://bit.ly/nVeDCW
  - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dG5HWnpGOHYtVVJLMTRLUVg1ZDlaWUE6MQ

Spreadsheet of responses (both are identical):
  - http://bit.ly/rkhOHG
  - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq_3OYelM4ZUdG5HWnpGOHYtVVJLMTRLUVg1ZDlaWUE&hl=en_GB#gid=0

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