[open-government] [euopendata] Open Government data in Portugal
Jonathan Gray
jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Aug 31 13:28:00 UTC 2011
This is fantastic Ricardo!
A few things:
* Might you be interested in writing a brief guest blog post on
these developments for the Open Knowledge Foundation Blog
(blog.okfn.org), to be cross-posted on ePSIplatform.eu?
* Can you or any of your colleagues come to the Open Government Data
Camp in Warsaw to meet others in the open data community from around
the world? More info at: http://ogdcamp.org/ There's also an EU Travel
Bursary here: http://bit.ly/eubursary
All the best,
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:34 PM, ricardo lafuente <bollecs at sollec.org> wrote:
> Hello lists,
> [apologies in advance for cross-posting]
> I've been lurking in here and thought it would be appropriate to let you
> know what's been going on in the Portuguese open data front. I noticed that
> Portugal is usually one of the very few EU countries missing from most open
> data initiatives.
> Around September last year, a group was formed in the city of Porto -- named
> Transparency Hackday Porto -- to break with the apparent non-existence of
> any open data efforts in this country*. We hosted several hackdays in a
> hackerspace, including one two-day hackathon (joining the global
> transparency hackathon initiative), where we focused on parsing and
> normalising data on the Portuguese Parliament.
> One project that began on that hackathon and is now in Beta is
> http://demo.cratica.org, a frontend to access this data. There, we focus on
> MP info and Parliament transcripts, providing a simple and straightforward
> interface to allow anyone to go through it. We got wonderful feedback,
> especially regarding the contrast with the official Parliament site, where
> it's rather hard to reach Parliament transcripts (and they're not indexed by
> search engines).
> Sadly, we're using HTTPS meaning that Google Translate can't get through
> (we're discussing about changing that). However, here are a few links so
> that you can see what's where:
> List of MPs: https://demo.cratica.org/deputados/
> MP info: https://demo.cratica.org/deputados/4166/
> Transcript calendar: https://demo.cratica.org/sessoes/2010/
> Session transcript: https://demo.cratica.org/sessoes/2010/6/17/
> There are still many glitches and details that we're working on, but you can
> see the gist of it -- our main concern was to reduce complexity wherever
> possible, and provide a straightforward design that makes it easy -- and
> dare I say, interesting -- to read what's going on in Parliament.
> Oh, and the Demo.cratica code is free software (AGPL), and we'd be delighted
> to help in porting this application to other countries. It's all done using
> free software as well.
> There is also another great project by an accomplice of this group based in
> Lisbon, this time around public state spending:
> http://www.despesapublica.com/
> Right now, the Transparency group is off for holidays, but we're beginning
> to cook other open data projects. If there's anyone on this list interested
> or involved in open data projects, we'd love to hear from you!
> Cheers,
> Ricardo Lafuente
> * There were a few, but most initiatives have been inactive for a while, and
> we're not aware of active efforts as of today. Drop me a line if you know of
> any!
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Jonathan Gray
Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation
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