[open-government] New projects on parliamentary transparency?

Stef van Grieken stef at hetnieuwestemmen.nl
Sat Oct 15 13:57:12 UTC 2011

Hi Daniel,

You're missing some of our projects:

- Toevalofniet: shows influence links between politicians and maps the 'old boys networks'. Project is a collaboration with the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.

- Politwoops: shows deleted tweets of politicians in the Dutch Parlaiment. 

- Volgmijnstem: currently being developed together with Nu.nl. This website monitors parliamentary activity and presents it as context information on the website nu.nl.

- Wettenstrijd: is a game that simulates how parliaments work. Uses actual proceedings from the EU and Dutch parliament. 

- Maildepolitiek: allows citizens to request an answer by e-mail from multiple MP's on a specific subject. Conversation is being published on the site. 

Two of my colleagues will be their (added them in the CC.)

Kind regards,


On 15 okt. 2011, at 15:48, Daniel Dietrich wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am working on a Topic Report for the ePSIplatform [1] on the "re-use
> of parliamentary data"
> (focus EU member states) and I would very much appreciate your help!
> Do you know of any new initiatives / projects working on re-using
> parliamentary data that is not listet here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_informatics
> If so  please let me know (updates on the wikipage are always welcome too :)
> Please let me know if you are able to help. Thanks in advance!
> If some of you are at OGDCamp [2] in Warsaw next week we couldactually
> meet there in person. Also: if you know any projects and
> colleagues I should contact on this, please let me know.
> All the bestDaniel
> --
> Daniel Dietrich
> The Open Knowledge FoundationPromoting Open Knowledge in a Digital
> Agewww.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org
> www.ddie.metwitter.com/ddie+49 171 780 870 3
> 1. http://epsiplatform.eu/2. http://ogdcamp.org/
> For your info: this mail was just send toFriedrich LindenbergStefan
> MarsiskeErik JosefssonNiels Erik Kaaber RasmussenRonny PatzJeni
> TennisonJulien BaillergeauLaurent PeuchChris TaggartTom Steinberg
> -- 
> Daniel Dietrich
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
> www.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org
> www.ddie.me
> twitter.com/ddie
> +49 171 780 870 3

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