[open-government] Civil Society & Spending Data: Who is Mapping the Money?

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Fri Jan 13 10:59:59 UTC 2012

(Please excuse the partial cross-post:)

We’re excited to announce that, thanks to the generous support of the Open
Society Foundations, OKFN’s activities around financial transparency will
expand to include a second pillar: next to the OpenSpending platform, we
have just started a 6 month project to map the technology needs of Civil
Society Organisations in relation to public spending and budget information.

Here's some of the things we are going to be looking at:

   - *Identifying CSOs around the world who are interested in working with
   spending data - *with posts, interviews and updates on the OpenSpending
   blog <http://blog.openspending.org/> about interesting initiatives that
   are springing up all over the world and* connecting them together* to
   exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices in relation to spending

*We're interested in your input to identify the most interesting and
ambitious initiatives - who is building the applications which bring about
change? who has ambition to do great things but some barriers are getting
in the way? what could be done to help them? *

   - *Setting up a working group on open spending
   . *(Interested in joining? - reply to this email and let me know!)
   - *Producing a Spending Data manual *- A wiki-like, community driven
   manual on acquiring, working with, publishing and archiving spending data

You can read the full scope of what we're getting up here:


This is a fantastic opportunity to pull initiatives from all around the
world together and we'd love to involve the open-government community in
what we're doing. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any
questions, or ideas.

All the best,


Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
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