[open-government] OGDcamp 2012?

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Thu Jun 21 12:21:17 UTC 2012

Hi Bill,

some people mentioned that this years planning might be a bit confusing. I guess thats true to a certain extend. However this years program will be much more diverse and curated in more collaborative way wich results in some more complexity.

Members from this working group are actually planning a full day program focussing on the debate around "the Open Government Data movement & the Open Government Partnership and the potential role and impact of civil society in the OGP process."

For more details, see: http://okfestival.okfnpad.org/OGP-debate

Your contribution is very welcome!

However Open Government Data will be a dominant theme in may of the thematic streams. Watch this space for more: http://okfestival.org/core-programme/

All best

On 21 Jun 2012, at 13:11, Bill Roberts wrote:

> Hi All
> Can anyone update us on plans for OGDcamp 2012, or for a possible open government data stream in OKFestival?
> Although http://okfestival.org/open-government-data-camp/ says a big OGDcamp element is planned as part of the OK Festival, I see no mention of it in the programme at http://okfestival.org/programme/
> Any further info gratefully received.  Would be useful for making travel arrangements.
> Thanks
> Bill
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