[open-government] R: Re: Open Data of italian education system

agatalotauro at libero.it agatalotauro at libero.it
Sat Mar 17 08:36:23 UTC 2012



Mi fa piacere che il Ministro in IT la pensa "un pò" come me!

(incredibile ma vero? :-)


Scusate ma il registro on-line in IT utilizza un sistema intranet o no?

E se si, non ci sarà un motivo (es. privacy or something like that)

Pubblichiamo anche su web se ha "DSA", "BES" (o la parolaccia handicap)?


Traduce Maurizio? (perdona la battutaccia :-)

Meglio non tradurre, vero?


Perdonate le mie solite domande alla femminina,


all the best,


roypeled at gmail.com
wrote on 16-mar-2012 16.38
A: "Lorenzo Benussi"<lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org>
Cc: <open-government at lists.okfn.org>, <euopendata at lists.okfn.org>
Ogg: Re: [open-government] Open Data of italian education system


Since I don't read Italian, and this is important for a case being handled in Israel, I wanted to make sure that the information also contains data on student's performances, and whether it is per school. I  mean, can I go in there and see how well the students of each school are performing on different toipcs?



2012/3/16 Lorenzo Benussi <lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org>

Dear all, 
I'm happy to announce that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research launched today its Open Data portal by publishing the data of schools (address, phone number, web site, administrative code), students (number, sex, performance) and teachers (number, sex, retirement, moving) of Italy. 

It is just the first step of a long path that aims at making available and freely reusable all the data collected by the Ministry in order to improve transparency, help the understanding of Italian scholastic system and promote the creation of new tools and services for students, teachers and families.


Bests, Lorenzo

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