[open-government] Quantifying the Cost Savings from Open Data

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Oct 17 16:36:19 UTC 2012

Hi there,

At OKFestival various working group members started putting together a
slide deck consolidating some of the evidence for open (gov) data.
This is still a work in progress but you can find the slides embedded
in the Why section of:


And you can get a direct link to the source of the slides on gdocs
(contributions welcome - just create a slide and add info):




On 17 October 2012 16:35, Dominic Mauro <dominic at reinventalbany.org> wrote:
> My name is Dominic Mauro, and I'm an open government researcher with a
> non-profit organization called Reinvent Albany. We work for a more
> transparent and accountable New York State government, primarily by
> advocating for increased adoption of information technology.
> Currently, I'm working on a report which argues for the economic benefits of
> an electronic Freedom of Information Law request tracking system (over the
> analog approach currently in use in most of New York State). This argument
> would be bolstered by data about the cost-savings other governments have
> experienced since uploading their open data to the internet.
> Jim Hendler at RPI suggested that OKFN might be able to direct me to the
> UK's figures for open data-related savings. Is there anyone on this list who
> has empirical evidence of roughly how much money any governments have saved
> due to open data practices (or know someone who does)? I would greatly
> appreciate you sharing it with me.
> Thank you very much,
> Dominic Mauro
> Open Government Coordinator
> Reinvent Albany
> 148 Lafayette St. New York NY, 10013
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