[open-government] SemStats 2014 Call for Challenge

Sarven Capadisli info at csarven.ca
Tue Aug 5 07:50:41 UTC 2014

SemStats 2014 Call for Challenge

Second International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2014)
Workshop website: http://semstats.org/
Event hashtags: #SemStats #ISWC2014

in conjunction with

ISWC 2014
The 13th International Semantic Web Conference
Riva del Garda - Trentino, Italy, October 19-23, 2014

The SemStats Challenge is back with more action! It is organized in the 
context of the SemStats 2014 workshop. Participants are invited to apply 
statistical techniques and semantic web technologies within one of two 
possible tracks, namely the Census Data Track and Open Track. Following 
up on the success of last year's Challenge, this year, the Census Data 
Track will have data from France, Italy, and Ireland. We would also like 
to introduce the new Open Track, where any type of statistical data of 
your choice may be used in the challenge.

The challenge will consist in the realization of mashups or 
visualizations, but also on comparisons, analytics, alignment and 
enrichment of the data and concepts involved in statistical data (see 
below for the data made available and additional requirements).

The deadline for participants to submit their short papers and 
application is Sun 7th September, 2014, 23:59pm Hawai Time.

It is strongly suggested to all challenge participants to send contact 
informations to semstats2014 at easychair.org in order to be kept informed 
in case of any changes in the data provided. For any questions on the 
challenge, please contact semstats2014 at easychair.org.

Census Data Track
We would like to point you to plenty of raw data. The conversion process 
will be considered as part of the challenge.

* Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) offers Census 1991, 
2001, 2011 data and metadata: 
http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/104317#variabili_censuarie (See 
"Variabili censuarie / Censimento della popolazione e delle 
abitazioni"), which gives the population count by age range and sex at a 
very detailed geographic level.

* INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) can 
provide different things:

      1. Detailed results for Census 2011: 
giving results on individuals only at the region level but with a great 
number of other variables (see 

      2. Detailed results for Census 2010: 
with, for example, results on individuals at a smaller geographic level

      3. Key figures for Census 2011 on different themes at the 
municipality level: 

* ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) offers Census 2011 data at 
http://stat.abs.gov.au/ . Data that is in particularly of interest to 
this challenge can be found by navigating to: Social Statistics > 
2011 Census of Population and Housing > Time Series Profiles (Local 
Government Areas) > T03 Age by Sex (LGA)

* CSO (Central Statistics Office) Ireland's Census 2011 data and 
metadata available as Linked Data: http://data.cso.ie/.

* You are welcome to use any other Census data whether it is Linked Data 
based or not

Open Track
There is one essential requirement for the Open Track: papers must 
describe a publicly available application. We would love to see everyone 
play and learn from what you have created. You are welcome to use any 
statistical data whether it is already in Linked Data shape or not! 
While you are at it, why not combine it with data from other domains?

Here are some statistical linked data spaces:

* http://270a.info/
* http://eurostat.linked-statistics.org/
* http://data.cso.ie/
* http://linked-statistics.gr/
* http://linkedspending.aksw.org/
* http://cedar-project.nl/
* http://datahub.io/ - Whatever is here ;)

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