[open-government] Invitation: Legislative Openness Working Group Webinar, 9/29 10 - 11:30 AM EDT
Greg Brown
gbrown at ndi.org
Thu Sep 25 13:09:52 UTC 2014
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*After GLOW: Outcomes of the Global Legislative Openness Week and an Update
from the Legislative Openness Working Group *
*Monday, September 29, 201410:00 - 11:30 AM EST *
Language: *English*
REGISTER for this webinar here: *HERE*
*Scott Hubli*
Director of Governance Programs
National Democratic Institute
*Juan Pablo Olmedo*
Chief Advisor
Bicameral Commission on Transparency, Chilean Congress
*Dante Preisser*
Mexican Senator Arely Gómez González
*Dan Swislow*
Governance Program Officer
National Democratic Institute
Sponsored by the OGP Support Unit and the World Bank
The Open Government Partnership has grown to 64 member countries since its
launch in 2011. New action plans have been drafted with increasing interest
in the open legislative agenda. As a result the Legislative Openness
Working Group (LOWG) was launched at the end of 2013. Among other
objectives the LOWG aims to provide a forum for peer knowledge sharing,
develop tools and resources to address legislative openness issues,
identify areas for research and opportunities for partnerships and
technical assistance.
In this session, the co-anchors of the Legislative Openness Working Group
will provide an update on the activities of the group since its launch last
year, including inter-parliamentary exchanges, the launch of the Global
Legislative Openness Survey, and participation at regional OGP events
throughout the year. In addition, speakers will present information on the
upcoming Global Legislative Openness Week (GLOW), which will comprise
events hosted by parliaments and civil society organizations around the
world, focused on legislative openness. In addition the LOWG member from
Mexico will discuss the launch of the national Open Parliament Partnership
and a new bicameral commission on transparency in the Congress of Mexico.
*Scott Hubli*
Hubli is the Director of Governance Programs at NDI, which provides
technical support to the Institute’s legislative strengthening, public
integrity, rule of law and local governance programs worldwide.
*Juan Pablo Olmedo*
Juan Pablo Olmedo is the Chief Advisor of the Bicameral Commission on
Transparency of the Chilean Congress. As first president of Chile's
Transparency Council (ATI oversight and enforcement body), he was
responsible for setting up the institutionalization of this new state body.
*Dante Preisser*
Dante Preisser is Chief Advisor to Senator Arely Gómez, chair of the
Committee on the Guarantee of ATI and Transparency (COGATI) and secretary
of the Committee on Anti-Corruption and Citizen Participation in the Senate
of Mexico.
*Dan Swislow*
Dan Swislow is a member of the Governance team at NDI where he manages
www.OpeningParliament.org <http://www.openingparliament.org/>, a forum for
more than 150 parliamentary monitoring organizations in 81 countries, and
the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness. Dan manages NDI's role in OGP.
To JOIN the session on September 29, 2014 at 10:00 AM EST, please go *HERE
<https://worldbankva.adobeconnect.com/e55s8pqu4nq/event/login.html> *and
login 5 minutes before the Webinar is scheduled to start.
*Greg M. Brown *
Program Assistant, Governance
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
455 Massachusetts Ave NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 728-5612 | @gregbrownm
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