[open-government] Call for Papers for Data Literacy Workshop at Web Sci 2015

Mark Frank mark.t.frank at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 20:16:23 UTC 2015

The 2015 Data Literacy workshop (http://www.nides.ufrj.br/dataliteracy/ )
will run on the afternoon of the 30th of June at Web Sci 2015 in Oxford, UK.
The aim of this workshop is to establish data literacy as a topic of
academic study.


Important Dates

All deadlines are midnight UK time on the date specified.


Papers submitted by: 17th May

Notification to authors: 26th May

Workshop: 30th June



To this end we invite submissions of papers on the following topics:


*        What do we mean by data literacy? Is there one kind of data
literacy or many? What skills, knowledge and attitudes does it include? How
does it relate to other types of literacy (digital, numerical, statistical
and linguistic)?


*        Why do we need data literacy? What are the social, political,
economic, technical issues it can address?


*        How should data literacy be achieved? Is it best done through
education, training, or behaviour change. What tools and support are
required  for data literacy?


*        What are the broader political, social and philosophical
implications of data literacy?


For example:


Should technology be driving such fundamental skills?

How does this compare to other technologies such as the printing press that
have created a need for new "literacies"?

Does data literacy compound the digital divide at another level?

Can it lead to open data having a more visible impact?

Who should be data literate? Should everyone become a data specialist by
learning how to deal with raw data, or we assume that we need specialists in
order to "translate" data to the society?


*        What are the practical implications of data literacy? What should
private and public sector organisations do about data literacy? How should
data literacy participate in education and research?


Submissions can be of two types:


Completed long papers (8-10pp)

Short papers experience related, position papers, research in progress

In either case we encourage linking to other media such as video clips or


All accepted papers will be published on the workshop website. This will be
done several days before the workshop in order to facilitate discussion in
the plenary section of the workshop. The organizing committee will select
the best papers to be presented at the workshop on the 30th of June. If
papers reach the required standard but the authors are unable to attend the
workshop, they will also be published.


Selection criteria for papers

The selection criteria are adapted from the Springer LNCS. Submissions


Be written in English;

Fit with the workshop theme;

Have a clear motivation (why the problem is interesting theoretically and/or

Conceptual development and grounding in prior literature (given the nascent
nature of the topic it is not expected that the prior literature is about
data literacy);

Methodological adequacy (if relevant);

Adequate list of references to related work and grounding theories;

Interesting findings;

Well-structured and clearly written paper;

Maximum length of paper: 10 pages for full papers, 5 pages for short papers;

Conform to Web Sci 2015 rules for formatting.

Papers will be subjected to double blind review by 2 reviewers for rigor,
relevance, originality and clarity of presentation and then the accepted
papers will be chosen by the organising committee based on the reviewers'
assessment. Papers should be anonymised, i.e. all information identifying
the authors removed, and submitted via Easychair.


Contact: mark.frank at soton.ac.uk


Mark Frank

Tel: 01264 810562

Mobile: 0773 887 4040

Twitter: Mark_T_Frank

Skype: MarkFrankLtd

Flickr:  <http://www.flickr.com/people/mark_frank/>



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