[open-government] Dare to talk about your mistakes -- submit your failure story

Javier Carranza javier.carranza at geocensos.com
Wed Aug 5 23:14:55 UTC 2015

I´m one of civic tech northern neighbors of Andrés .Totally up to share
about how the public - civic cooperation should´nt  be  done in Colombia!!

Where do we sign / fill in the forms?


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*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
Tel: (571) 806-5188
Skype: javiercarranza

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El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
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On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Julia Keserű <jkeseru at sunlightfoundation.com
> wrote:

> Hey all,
> (Sorry for the cross-post.)
> We at Sunlight have long been thinking
> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/05/05/a-new-approach-to-measuring-the-impact-of-open-data/>
> about what works and what doesn't work in civic technology, but our
> emphasis so far has mostly been on the success stories
> <http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/series/wednesdays-winners/>. Inspired
> by the CodeforAll summit last week in NYC and some of the most recent
> announcement about retiring civic tech projects, today we're trying to get
> the other side of the story with a short survey
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zVVwCIgy-EJ6RPau-2hX6xXwrK-gSMVHBkfrv8-G4EM/viewform>,
> to paint a more complete picture of the landscape.
> Here`s a short blog post that explains why we’re doing this:
> http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/08/04/dare-to-talk-about-your-civic-tech-mistakes-submit-your-failure-story-today/
> And the short survey:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zVVwCIgy-EJ6RPau-2hX6xXwrK-gSMVHBkfrv8-G4EM/viewform
> Please tell us about your technology-based civic projects or ideas that
> might not have worked out. If you wish to remain anonymous, that’s all
> right too — just let us know, and we will only use your story for more
> general conclusions.
> Hope to hear from many of you!
> Best,
> Julia
> --
> Júlia Keserű
> International Policy Manager
> 1818 N Street NW, Suite 300
> Washington, DC 20036
> (1) 202-742-1520 *246
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