[open-humanities] finding and searching OA humanities journals

John Levin john at anterotesis.com
Fri Aug 5 12:53:40 UTC 2011

On 05/08/2011 13:09, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just to say I have now posted John's idea up here:
> <http://ideas.okfn.org/ideas/198/website-for-finding-and-searching-oa-humanities-journals>
> Please add comments on e.g. existing solutions, ideas for new
> solutions or offers of assistance!
> Rufus

Thanks for that. I've added a list of the links suggested on this thread 
at ideas.okfn.

My feeling is a major problem is that OA material can be published in 
many different ways, for example through self-archiving, archiving 
through an institution or through a journal. These might require 
different ways of aggregation, and different ways of searching. At any 
rate, anything OA makes the text available, which means it can be scraped.



> On 2 August 2011 14:04, John Levin<john at anterotesis.com>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know of any sort of aggregating site for free, open access
>> humanities journals? Something along the lines of JSTOR, but for OA
>> articles?
>> The Directory of Open Access Journals ( http://www.doaj.org ) lists open
>> journals, but not their contents. For finding material relevant to my
>> research it's useless.
>> Thanks,
>> John

John Levin
johnlevin at joindiaspora.com

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