[open-humanities] Open Literature Bulletin and Doodle for Skype Chat

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Nov 3 21:31:28 UTC 2011

On 28 October 2011 16:41, James Harriman-Smith
<open-shakespeare at okfn.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Following the merge of the Open Literature list into Open Humanities, this
> is the first open literature bulletin to appear here.  For my new readers, I
> write a very short email most Fridays updating people on developments
> related to Open Shakespeare, Open Correspondence and more general events in
> the field of literature. For this week, I have the following news, along
> with an admin request...
> - Victory for OKF's Open Reading in Inventare il futuro competition - more
> details including blog post, coming soon, but for now see:
> http://www.unibo.it/InventareFuturo/premiazione.html
> - New word of the day on Open Shakespeare: 'dickens' -
> http://openshakespeare.org/word/dickens - past catalogue here:
> http://openshakespeare.org/word/
> - Open Shakespeare received a mail from Palgrave Macmillan asking us to
> review Rasmussen's The Shakespeare Thefts
> (http://www.amazon.com/Shakespeare-Thefts-Search-First-Folios/dp/0230109411),
> which is all about the missing, in some cases privately kep First Folios. I
> asked for a review copy, and if anyone has any questions they want me to
> pose the book re: open access, do let me know. I shall also publish my
> thoughts to the list pre-publication for comment.
> - Work will be undertaken to set up http://humanities.okfn.org in the coming
> weeks as an online hub for Open Humanities discussion.

This is all great stuff :-)

> - We would like to set up a regular (once a month at least) Open Humanities
> Skype chat. Please take the time to fill out the following doodle with your
> availabilities in November, in the hope of organising something before
> December is upon us: http://www.doodle.com/pgi4dqdggqdpqrex

Big tip: as I keep saying only one major thing per email :-) Suggest
resending with just poll question :-)

Also suggest focusing just on day of week (as this will be ongoing
...) and time. E.g. suggest choosing wed and thursday at either 4pm or
5pm. We pick week of month after that (85 choices in a poll is
impossible ;-) )


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