[open-humanities] Shakespeare Annotations

Andrew@FinalsClub.org andrew at finalsclub.org
Fri Apr 6 14:28:45 UTC 2012

Hey All,

Attached are several thousand annotations of Shakespeare plays in JSON format from Harvard PhDs.  I wonder if someone could help me get them live to the Open Shakespeare site (with CC-BY attribution to FinalsClub.org).  

Currently the URI's for the annotations reference the html documents in a separate dropbox folder. Also the x-path start and end ranges are in reference to spans that were added to the documents to reflect the sections that the content had previously been split into (one work was made up of multiple sections and the annotation referenced the section the quote is in)

I believe the startOffset and endOffset would have to be adjusted to match what is on openshakespeare.org as well since there are not the same start end ranges.

James Smith, I believe I've been in touch with you about this project in the past.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


PS - Note that David (cc'd) and Nick (cc'd) are also available to help.  

PPS - If someone would like to help, please let me know and I'll share you on the dropbox folder with all of our data.  Thanks in advance!

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