[open-humanities] Web Based Annotation Tools

Sam Leon sam.leon at okfn.org
Sun Jul 1 19:45:35 UTC 2012

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

As we all know, lots of people are tripping over themselves these days to
create web based annotation tools.

The Open Knowledge Foundation are involved in the development of at least

1. AnnotateIt - http://annotateit.org/
2. TEXTUS - http://textuproject.org
3. Pundit - http://pundi.it (as part of the DM2E.eu project)

In the name of trying to make sure that these projects build on and learn
from similar efforts, I've started to compile list of existing web based
annotation tools here:


Drop me an email if you want to collaborate on this stack or to make a
suggestion of one to add. I'm particularly interested in OAC compliant and
open-source annotation tools with applications in the humanities.



Sam Leon
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Twitter: @noeL_maS
Skype: samedleon
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