[open-humanities] Web Based Annotation Tools

philippe.aigrain at sopinspace.com philippe.aigrain at sopinspace.com
Sun Jul 1 20:45:48 UTC 2012

A bit surprised that our co-ment (AGPLv3 free software, occasionally used
by OKFN,  strong use in educational and humanities projects) is not yet in
the list. But that's easy to correct

source code: www.co-ment.org
commercial Web service: www.co-ment.com
Drupal module: http://drupal.org/project/co_ment


Philippe Aigrain

> Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!
> As we all know, lots of people are tripping over themselves these days to
> create web based annotation tools.
> The Open Knowledge Foundation are involved in the development of at least
> three:
> 1. AnnotateIt - http://annotateit.org/
> 2. TEXTUS - http://textuproject.org
> 3. Pundit - http://pundi.it (as part of the DM2E.eu project)
> In the name of trying to make sure that these projects build on and learn
> from similar efforts, I've started to compile list of existing web based
> annotation tools here:
> http://delicious.com/stacks/view/FfPU66
> Drop me an email if you want to collaborate on this stack or to make a
> suggestion of one to add. I'm particularly interested in OAC compliant and
> open-source annotation tools with applications in the humanities.
> Cheers,
> Sam
> --
> Sam Leon
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org/
> Twitter: @noeL_maS
> Skype: samedleon
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