[Open-Legislation] EPFSUG @ EUHACKATHON 9 November 2011

JOSEFSSON Erik erik.josefsson at europarl.europa.eu
Sat Oct 22 19:05:36 UTC 2011


We're taking advantage of the EUHackathon days to also look at what we could do with free software in the European Parliament's legislative processes (aka the sausage machine).


Invitation will be sent out in EP next week.

Hope to see some of you there!


Erik Josefsson
Advisor on Internet Policies
Greens/EFA Group <http://www.greens-efa.eu/36-details/josefsson-erik-138.html> 
GSM: +32484082063
BXL: PHS 04C075 TEL: +3222832667
SBG: WIC M03005 TEL: +33388173776

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