[Open-Legislation] Communication for legal professionals

Clemens Wass clemens at wass.at
Tue Nov 12 14:29:40 UTC 2013

@Jörn: thx for the Xing statistic from Ralf.

@Eric: Good to hear, but I guess your are no the typical legal professional
then, are you? Actually, I know only very few legal eagles using twitter...

I think that it it is really strange that in the legal world messages about
really important issues are sent around by e-mail, un-encrypted. My
personal bank sends me messages in their own system (ok, more complicated
with the login etc), but at least a little bit more secure (not wanting to
discuss NSA stories). Why not a lawyer? To complicated?

Best, Clemens

2013/11/12 Eric Mill <eric at sunlightfoundation.com>

> Twitter, all day, all night.
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Jörn Erbguth <joern at erbguth.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> there is a statistic that 20% of German lawyers are at Xing:
>> http://ralfzosel.de/blog/jeder-fuenfte-rechtsanwalt-bei-xing (in German
>> with some further hints)
>> Maybe that is some help to you?
>> Best regards
>> Jörn
>> *Von:* open-legislation-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:
>> open-legislation-bounces at lists.okfn.org] *Im Auftrag von *Clemens Wass
>> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 12. November 2013 11:10
>> *An:* open-legislation
>> *Betreff:* [Open-Legislation] Communication for legal professionals
>> Dear all,
>> I was wondering how legal professionals are communicating and if you see
>> any changes coming? What is your perception?
>> - I assume a traditional website and e-mail communication are still the
>> most important means of communication, right?
>> - Do you use social networks like LinkedIn or even Facebook? And if so,
>> for which purposes (communication with colleagues, discussions,
>> marketing/having a profile for potential clients)? How important are such
>> networks to show your competencies etc.?
>> Looking forward to your thoughts!
>> Best,
>> Clemens
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