[Open-Legislation] Link rot in legal judgements

Francis Davey fjmd1a at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 15:05:48 UTC 2013

2013/10/1 Eric Mill <eric at sunlightfoundation.com>

> That critical post is basically just saying, perma.cc's Terms protect
> itself by limiting it to non-commercial activity where copyright issues are
> unambiguous, and that if those terms were to be actually taken seriously
> and enforced, it couldn't possibly perform its function of linking to other
> people's work.

Quite. Perma.cc's terms and conditions suggest that it is much less useful
a tool than it might seem and also useless for anyone not doing
non-commercial academic research - which is quite a lot of people involved
in law.

I guess we are all happy in assuming that perma.cc won't go away.

Francis Davey
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