[Open-Legislation] standards for law in IT systems
Robert Richards
robertrichards03 at gmail.com
Thu May 15 19:48:20 UTC 2014
There are a large number. A few dozen are listed here:
Regarding metadata models, the Legal Information Institute Legislative
Metadata Model is much discussed recently:
Regarding structural metadata standards for legislation, among the most
prominent is Akoma Ntoso http://www.akomantoso.org/ which is the basis
for the proposed OASIS LegalDocML standard:
CEN MetaLex http://www.metalex.eu/ is an XML-based interchange format
for XML-based legislative structural metadata formats.
Regarding identifiers, others include LEX identifier (called the "LEX
Naming Convention") (specification:
http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/ ;
), and Akoma Ntoso identifier (called "Akoma Ntoso Naming
; implementations:
Regarding citations, a legal citation markup standard is in development:
OASIS LegalCiteM: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/legalcitem/
In the Zotero world, regular Zotero https://www.zotero.org/ supports
several legal citation formats, as does Multilingual Zotero:
Several substantive legal citation formats are at:
Regarding markup standards for formal representations of legal rules, the
OASIS LegalRuleML standard is in development:
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/legalruleml/ . It is designed to
be compatible in particular with the OASIS LegalDocML standard noted above.
Regarding knowledge representation,several ontologies, standards, and
formats are at: http://www.personal.psu.edu/rcr5122/Ontologies.html and
Fabio Vitali and colleagues have recently developed a new one: ALLOT, for
entities referenced in legal documents: http://akn.web.cs.unibo.it/allot/
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Clemens Wass <clemens at wass.at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> a quick question: which standards do exist when it comes to law in IT
> systems?
> There are of course:
> - ELI for legislation
> - ECLI for case law
> For papers and books (not limited to the legal area of course):
> - DOI
> - ISSN
> - ISBN
> For citations:
> - BibTex does not have entries for legislation or case law, right?
> Which other standards are important?
> Thank you for your help!
> Best, Clemens
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Robert C. Richards, Jr., J.D.*, M.S.L.I.S., M.A.
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA 16802
Contact: http://about.me/richardsrobert
<http://legalinformatics.wordpress.com/about/about-the-author/>* Member New
York bar, retired status.
Any opinions expressed above are mine, not those of my institution.
The statements above are not legal advice or legal representation.
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