[open-linguistics] Collection of resources

William Waites ww at eris.okfn.org
Fri Jan 14 22:40:48 UTC 2011

* [2011-01-14 15:58:04 -0500] Nancy Ide <ide at cs.vassar.edu> écrit:

] Can I ask a question concerning what you mean by "open" here?
] Among the resources listed, there is some variety in the
] conditions under which they can be obtained. Is this the
] function of the license column? I do think there should be 
] a clear statement of what "open" is defined to be, if 
] possible--and maybe grouping the datasets by availability type.

There might be some specialisation of definition for
linguistic data (analogous to what the bibliographic
data group is developing) but in general it means
the sense of http://www.opendefinition.org/

Happy hacking,
William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://eris.okfn.org/ww/         <sip:ww at styx.org>
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